3 Non-Negotiables to Focus on to Attract High Paying Clients Consistently
As a business owner, it sometimes feels like everyone else is having epic $100K launches or crushing $10K+ months effortlessly while you struggle to attract clients consistently. This can lead to comparisons and spirals of self-doubt about whether your business dreams are achievable. Let me bring a much-needed dose of reality to the topic of client growth. Consistent client growth becomes possible when you understand the foundation from which every successful business is built and learn to build it in your own business.
Despite the highlight reel, which is making you feel crappy about your business results, don’t believe the hype. The truth is that less than 12% of female business owners are making more than six figures in their businesses, and only about 2% are making seven figures.
As a business mentor who has worked with more than 400 companies to create over a billion dollars in combined revenue, I will share that it is not how much revenue you create that is the most important measure of success. What matters is how much profit you keep and whether that supports the lifestyle you dream about. Everyone’s dreams are different; be sure you are pursuing your own version of success.
To create success, building a profitable business with predictable client growth requires focused effort. Whether you are a solopreneur or have a team in your business, to achieve consistent client growth, there are three daily non-negotiables to focus on:
Build an audience of buyers (note: I didn’t say followers).
Master your marketing message to be able to move a potential buyer from being curious about your programs and services to being a paying client.
Make offers to potential buyers that create highly valued results more predictably than the current method they are using.
What many business owners don’t understand when they first launch their business is that their business growth will be built on strangers. This simple reality is why audience building is THE most important business foundation. Those aspirational $100K launches and $10K+ months only become possible once you have built an audience of buyers. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t know how to build an audience of buyers or neglect to make this a critical area of focus throughout the life of the business, and that is why the rollercoaster ride is real.
Learning who you want to serve, selecting and executing the strategies that you will use to attract potential buyers to help them discover you, knowing why they would choose to invest in you, and having the confidence to make the right offer at the right time that focuses on desired outcomes and results are key skills every business owner needs to develop and master.
I tell my clients in the Business Scale Accelerator Mentorship Program that even when you have a strong pipeline of potential buyers in your audience, you still need to spend 50% of your effort on this critical activity. When you are starting out and building awareness of why you are the must-hire expert of choice for a particular group of potential buyers, I would recommend 70-80% of your effort be spent on this key activity. In order to achieve this level of focus without burnout, stop the busy work that isn’t leading you to successfully identifying new potential buyers and having offers accepted.
Potential buyers have three key attributes:
They are problem aware.
They are actively seeking solutions and support to reach their desired results or outcomes.
They have made the commitment to prioritize seeking support and taking different actions to create their desired results because their current strategy is no longer effective.
Too often, business owners make the mistake of focusing on educating non-buyers on why they should be buyers, and this leads to frustration and often non-existent sales. Remember that the fastest path to cash is to go where the market is already seeking a solution and position yourself as the must-hire expert of choice.
Be aware that buyers do not want to pay for your time. They are willing to pay for the RESULTS they seek. Your programs and services need to be viewed as a predictable way to achieve results while utilizing less time and money than their next best alternative. In order for them to specifically choose you as the must-hire expert to guide and support them, you need to establish:
Trust that you have personal experience and know how to create the results they seek.
Trust that you can guide them to the results they seek for themselves.
Trust that they can be vulnerable with you about their current situation, knowledge gaps, and that you will stick by them and follow through with your commitment to creating results together.
Once a potential buyer is aware of you and views you as the must-hire expert to guide and support them in achieving their desired results, you must be ready to make an offer that delivers predictable, highly valued results.
High-end clients seek out and desire high-touch experiences that lead to measurable results both in the short and long term. Be intentional with your entire client experience, from client attraction strategies to how you deliver your programs and services, and build long-term relationships focused on value creation. Finally, remember that the first thing a buyer is investing in is the confidence that you can and will help them achieve the results.
Business CAN be elegantly simple and requires effort.
Get Clear. Become the Must-Hire Choice. See Results.