Publisher's Pick

As I embark on my summer reading journey, I'm excited to discover new books and learn from inspirational women. These three amazing female entrepreneurs, have caught my attention: Angela Hayes, Erin Washington, Katy Rey and Dr. Ursula Frederick-Brown.
These four women have accomplished incredible feats and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Each of their stories is unique, yet they share a common theme of perseverance, self-love, and breaking down barriers. As I dive into their books this summer, I hope to gain insight into their journeys and learn from their experiences. Their stories will undoubtedly inspire me to push past my own limitations and strive for success in all areas of my life.

From Pain to Purpose
To Erin Washington, soccer was everything. As a high school stand-out who had played since she was four years old, soccer became the prime focus of her obsessive-natured personality. After losing her identity as an athlete when her college career ended abruptly, Erin spent the next twenty years battling body image and hiding a dangerous secret. "Squats and Margaritas” is a gripping, raw depiction of what it’s like to live with an eating disorder. Erin reveals how after years of abusing her body and fighting the insecurities that come with dating a professional athlete, she finally committed to living a healthier lifestyle. At the age of 37, after having two kids, Erin discovered a life of balance and finally uncovered her best physical body. Never skip a workout …or a cocktail. It’s just balance. The first edition of this book was published once Erin achieved her physical ideal, but there’s more to life than a physical appearance. There's more to Erin's story-more growth to be uncovered.
Shortly after the first edition of this book was published, the world shut down during a global pandemic. The second half of this book shares the spiritual transformation and personal growth journey that followed and what it inspired Erin to do with her life. It's not too late. You're not too old. You can find purpose.

Manifest Kingdom Commerce
Dr. Ursula D. Frederick-Brown is an entrepreneur and author known for her book "Manifesting Kingdom Commerce" which offers readers practical strategies and spiritual principles to unlock their full potential and achieve success. She is also a respected marketplace ministry leader and Chairperson and one of the founders of the Embassy International Chamber of Commerce (EICC) with a vision to introduce Christ-centered arts, business, entertainment, media, music, and lifestyle preferences to influence urban communities and audiences worldwide.

Black Woman, Just Get Your Hair Wet!
Angela Hayes is an author and life coach who loves to motivate and prepare people to welcome change into their lives. Her book, "Get Your Hair Wet," is a self-discovery guide to unlearn old habits, break down barriers, and acknowledge the powerful influence black women have on others. Her goal is to change the misperceptions black women have about themselves and help them break free of their self-imposed limitations.

Uniquely Loved For Being You
Uniquely loved for being YOU was created for children of any age and background to feel seen when in a powerless situation. They could be away from loved ones that suffer from addiction, or away from home or in the foster care system. This comes from my heart and is meant to provide words of understanding during these times and help break down the stigmas in these circumstances because the children cannot control what is happening around them. We must do better for our children, everywhere.