From Devastation to Advocacy: Kathi's Fight for Meth Toxins Awareness Article Banner

From Devastation to Advocacy: Kathi's Fight for Meth Toxins Awareness

March 02, 202411 min read

For over three decades, the rhythm of my life was set by the world of banking and lending. Then, 2016 slammed the brakes on everything. A serious health scare nearly took my eyesight, forcing me to focus on recovery and a new chapter. By mid-2018, I saw an opportunity – temporarily renting out my beloved log cabin, a dream built in the Colorado foothills. It was supposed to be a fresh start, maybe even a legacy for my kids. But within 90 days, that dream turned into my worst nightmare. My renter had the audacity to turn my cabin into a meth lab.

Images of Kathi McCarty

The news hit like a gut punch. Meth residue, I learned, clings to everything, a silent health hazard for anyone who comes into direct contact or breathes it in. This invisible enemy condemned my cabin, taking with it my home, my equity, and all sense of safety and security. I'd envisioned. It felt like everything I'd built was swept away.

But I'm not one to give up easily. Research and networking have always been my strengths, so I dove headfirst into understanding this meth contamination beast. What I discovered shocked me. Not only did the toxins pose a serious health risk, but property insurance rarely even touch the testing or cleanup costs! It became horrifyingly clear – the public had no idea about the dangers lurking beneath the surface.

That's when the fightback began. In 2019, with a burning desire to empower others, I founded Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance. Our mission? To arm real estate professionals, and ultimately everyone, with the knowledge to protect themselves and their families from the devastation of meth contamination.

My story might be one of loss, but it's also one of resilience. From the ashes of that nightmare, I found a new purpose: to be a champion for awareness, to ensure no one else faces the same heartbreak. This is my fight now, and I won't stop until everyone knows the silent threat that lurks in the shadows and how to prevent a similar or worse fate.

How did your initial vision align with the reality of running a business, and what were the early challenges you faced?

For about two years, I was so traumatized by losing my home and equity, it was sometimes difficult to focus. As I followed my offender's case through his capture, trial, and incarceration, I revisited my trauma repeatedly. Although I too often felt exhausted mentally, emotionally, and financially, I constantly met people who needed my moral support and coaching through the morass of contradictory information surrounding the threat to their properties due to meth contamination. Helping others gave me the hope and healing energy to keep going.

I have been houseless, but not homeless, for five years. Generous friends and family extend their homes and hearts to me. In turn, I help care for their properties and their family pets.

What were some unexpected hurdles you faced while establishing your presence as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies?

Without my own permanent home, and with money exceedingly tight, I lacked the capital to pull off a full-on launch of my business. I had to do it in stages, as I had the emotional capacity energy and resources. My strongest skill set lies in networking and building trusting relationships. I love to connect people, and I am naturally a generous friend and ally. A steady flow of guidance and assistance is mine when I need it, my own version of, "Build it, and they will come."

Before the pandemic, I was developing a preventative meth alarm. However, funding opportunities dried up. An inventor I followed improved his alarm to meet my specifications. I now represent this revolutionary smart Meth Alarm, saving the expense of research and development.

As I developed my educational content and built my advocacy platform, one of the biggest challenges I met was how to convey such dire information to people without turning them off to my message. This is an ongoing effort, to couch things and ask questions in such a way that people remain engaged, curious, and committed to doing what they can to protect their loved ones and their properties from meth contamination. I work with a creative and resourceful Instructional Designer, so that my 2-hour course is completely scalable to tweak into 20 minute presentations, 60 minute workshops and social media posts.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

In the face of my health challenges and a packed schedule, my self-care routines are often challenged. I walk almost daily, and I snowshoe, play PickleBall, ride my e-bike, and kayak as the seasons change. Book on audible, podcasts, and music fill my heart and soul.

What would you consider the most significant milestone or achievement in your entrepreneurial journey in the B2B sector, and why does it hold particular significance for you?

I am the only business I know of that addresses meth toxin contamination from the perspective of a person who was directly impacted. My three Pillars of Prevention: Education, Advocacy, and Resources, are a unique model in the meth and toxins industry. Of course, there is big money involved. Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance is dedicated to helping illuminate the facts about meth toxin prevention and guiding people to learn how to protect their property and families in ethical ways. My message is underpinned by my strong value in doing the right thing by other people. This is not always easy, but it is vital to creating the kind of world we want to live in.

How have these relationships influenced your success in the B2B space?

I am blessed with several wonderful confidantes and collaborators and mentors. I have been working with an entrepreneurial coach, Kami Guildner and her enriching mastermind group and collaborations are a rich source of professional support and lasting friendships. My instructional designer, Kathleen June was instrumental in helping me build my course, a savvy co-host and mentor, Denise O'Malley helped create and conduct our Facebook "Toxic Tuesday Talk Show," and my health coach, Cheryl Meyer, Health Muse guided me to align my body and spirit.

My family and close friends were pivotal in my transition from victim to visionary through healing my perspective, I have come to understand that, “What happened to me, happened for me.” The healing I gained in the summer of 2022 released me to take my next big steps to build my state-accredited course, initiate statewide legislation, and represent a preventative tool, the Meth Alarm, all in 2023.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

I see that I am adding value making an impact through educating more people to test their properties, whether for sale, rented, or privately owned. A strong moral compass for taking care of our loved ones and our communities underpins my work. I place a high value on helping, educating, and protecting people, and helping them do the same for themselves and others.

I want people to think of a future where they advertise their property as a “meth contamination-protected property,” as in theft deterrent notices. The goal is to develop property owners and professionals who are so educated and aware, their preventative activities reduce property contamination across the country and the world.

If you could go back and give advice to yourself when starting, what would it be, and why?

Ask for the help you need. It can take a village to shore up your confidence, articulate your value, and charge what you're worth.

I wish I'd made some connections earlier, but I also see that timing will have its way with you, and things will come together in beautiful and amazing ways when you are ready.

I would have charged more and earlier in my business for my course and coaching services.

Can you share a pivotal moment when your business successfully stood out or gained recognition within the B2B sector?

Professionals, property owners and tenants are now reaching out to me because they are learning about my course through their own networks. My community building and marketing efforts are paying off; people are talking about the value of my content and spreading the word.

How do you approach financial management and resource allocation to ensure sustainable growth in your entrepreneurial journey?

In 2023, I made a big decision to hire an assistant. Her job is to help me take care of all technology, focus my efforts, track my contacts and opportunities, and develop my social media presence. I'm on my third VA. Each person I've hired fits me better than the last. I am putting my money where it is making the biggest difference to growing my business, rather than the piecemeal approach I had before.

Can you share an instance where adopting new technology or innovation significantly impacted the success or efficiency of your business operations?

Through co-hosting my Facebook interview series, "Toxin Tuesday Talk Shows", and later adding them to my 30+ piece YouTube channel, I stepped into a world of technology I had never used before. This process introduced me to a much larger audience.

Can you share an example of how you responded to customer feedback or needs, leading to improved products or services in your business?

In talks with potential clients in the real estate industry, I was often asked if my course was accredited. My course was granted state approval in December 2022.

In my courses, I was often asked if there was a way for a property owner to detect meth toxins in their property, to determine the need for a professional testing company. I began to research and develop a revolutionary smart meth alarm, only to face a lack of funding during the Pandemic. Afterward, another inventor improved his earlier invention to meet my specifications. I now represent the smart Meth Alarm.

Can you recount a pivotal decision or risk you took that significantly impacted the trajectory of your business, whether positively or as a learning experience?

Early in my business, I attempted to collaborate with a professional who was not a good match for me or my business needs. This person was unfocused, not a skilled coach or teacher, and was never prepared for our calls. I stopped booking appointments. From this experience, I learned that good networking vibes are not enough. I need to check references, and get a sample and scope of work. I learned to be as clear as possible about what I need, to find out if that person is adept at helping me understand what is in her wheelhouse and what is not.

What motivates and inspires you to continue pushing boundaries and evolving within the B2B entrepreneurial landscape?

I work in a controversial arena, where professionals and property owners are often at cross purposes. I educate all players on the impacts and the potential consequences of trying to minimize testing results. There is an ethical responsibility, with increasing legal scrutiny, to reveal meth damage to a property. I am inspired to continue to bring this conversation and transparency to the forefront, to lift the dialog around real estate transactions and help people make informed decisions to protect their property.

Images of Kathi McCarty

How do you spend most of your time?

I am networking and expanding my mission of prevention awareness and education through teaching state-certified courses, workshops, and webinars. I am developing more and wider sophisticated alliances and partnerships locally, nationally and even globally to support and promote my work. I am marketing the revolutionary smart Meth Alarm.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I am immensely proud of turning my personal lemons into legislation for prevention. I helped initiate, craft and testified extensively for a Colorado Senate bill that was put into effect in August 2023. It puts some teeth into existing regulations. Provisions soon to be implemented are public facing access to State Health Department data critical to property owners, and tighter reporting of contaminated residential properties. We made progress, but still don’t have a requirement for previously contaminated properties remediated to our state health department standards to be disclosed in a real estate transaction. My work with the Colorado State Legislature continues.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I’m the proud mama bear of three amazing kids, all now adults leading their own lives. All three are career focused on environmental specialties, including water, sustainability, and solar. I’m excited that we will be welcoming my first grandchild in mid-April. I enjoy snow shoeing, warm weather e-biking and kayaking, PickleBall all year round, and walking my friends’ dogs.

To connect with Kathi, visit:

Photo Credit: Stephanie Perlowski & Jennifer MacNiven Photography

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Kathi McCarty

Kathi McCarty is a passionate educator, advocate and founder of Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance, dedicated to raising awareness and preventing the devastating and dangerous health and financial impacts of methamphetamine toxins in our both residential and commercial properties. After discovering that her own property had been used as a meth lab by a temporary tenant, Kathi became determined to prevent others from suffering similar consequences. Through her work, she has become a leading voice in prevention of methamphetamine contamination, providing vital education and championing new legislation in the 2023 Colorado legislative session.

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