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Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Will Sabotage Your Business Visibility

June 01, 20244 min read

In the journey of entrepreneurship, especially for changemakers and subject matter experts, visibility is crucial. The more visible you are, the more opportunities you attract, and the greater impact you can make. However, many business owners grapple with internal "bully thoughts" that sabotage their efforts to gain the visibility they deserve. These thoughts can be detrimental, holding you back from reaching your true potential. Let’s identify ten common bully thoughts and provide reframes to help you master your mindset and elevate your business visibility.

Why It's Important to Master Our Mindset to Elevate Our Business Visibility

The success of your business isn't just about having a great product or service; it's equally about how visible you are in your industry. A strong mindset can propel you forward, helping you overcome the mental barriers that impede visibility. By mastering your mindset, you can step confidently into the spotlight and share your unique value with the world. Let’s explore these bully thoughts and how to reframe them for success.

#1: "I have nothing new and different to talk about."

Reframe: You have your own unique perspective on familiar topics.

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need to reinvent the wheel to be noticed. The truth is your unique experiences and insights bring a fresh angle to any topic. Embrace your individuality and share your perspective. Remember, your voice adds value simply because it is distinctly yours.

#2: "I will never have 5k, 10k, 20k followers."

Reframe: Stop chasing vanity metrics and just share value.

While having a large following can be beneficial, it should not be your primary focus. What truly matters is the value you provide to your audience. Concentrate on delivering high-quality content that resonates with your target market. Engaged followers who find genuine value in your offerings are far more valuable than sheer numbers.

#3: “I’m an introvert and it’s hard for me to be visible.”

Reframe: Connect 1:1 because you shine at having deep relationships.

Introverts often excel in building deep, meaningful connections. Leverage this strength by focusing on one-on-one interactions and small group engagements. Your ability to form strong relationships can lead to powerful word-of-mouth referrals and a loyal community.

#4: “I will wait until I get X in order before I work on visibility.”

Reframe: You will never have everything in order so just get started and build as you go.

Perfectionism can be a major roadblock to visibility. The reality is, you'll never have everything perfectly aligned. Start where you are with what you have. Visibility is a journey, and it's better to begin imperfectly than to never start at all.

#5: “I don’t want to do video. I hate myself on camera.”

Reframe: Then don’t. Use another visibility strategy.

Not everyone needs to be on video to be visible. There are countless other ways to build visibility, such as writing articles, engaging on social media, networking, podcasting, and more. Choose the methods that align with your strengths and comfort levels.

#6: "I need more training to be an expert."

Reframe: Learning is an endless pursuit. You are an expert to many today.

Continuous learning is important, but don't let the pursuit of more knowledge hold you back. Recognize that you already possess valuable expertise and experience. Share what you know now and continue to grow along the way. Remember, there will always be people that know more than you and people that know way less.

#7: "I’m not as successful as my competition so why try?"

Reframe: Learn from other experts but stay on your own path.

Comparing yourself to others can be demotivating. Instead, see your competition as a source of inspiration and learning. Focus on your unique journey and remember that success looks different for everyone. Your path is uniquely yours to pave.

#8: “Stay invisible so I don’t get rejected.”

Reframe: Rejection is a part of life. It’s not personal.

Fear of rejection can be paralyzing, but it's a natural part of the process. Understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth. It's simply part of the journey to finding the right fit and the right audience for your message.

#9: “I’m too (insert your word) to be visible.”

Reframe: Change your story. You are your own limitations.

We often limit ourselves with negative self-talk. Whether you believe you're too old, too young, too busy, too inexperienced, or too anything, these are just stories you tell yourself. Challenge these narratives and rewrite them to reflect your true capabilities and potential.

#10: “I suck at (fill in the blank) so I don’t do it.”

Reframe: Learn how to not suck or try something different to be visible.

Everyone has areas where they feel less confident. Instead of avoiding these areas, seek to improve. Take courses, practice, and seek feedback. Alternatively, focus on what you’re good at and use those strengths to build visibility.

Mastering your mindset is crucial for overcoming the bully thoughts that hinder your business visibility. By reframing these negative thoughts into positive, actionable steps, you can unlock new levels of visibility and impact. Remember, the journey to greater visibility starts with a single step. Embrace your uniqueness, share your value, and watch your business visibility soar.

Take the first step today and start challenging those bully thoughts. Your future self will thank you.


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Lori Young

Lori Young is a certified master marketer, branding specialist and founder of On a Mission Brands. As a heart-centered entrepreneur, Lori is passionate about helping ambitious changemakers and subject matter experts elevate their visibility online. She loves spending time with her clients, strategizing on the best ways to grow their business visibility and serve their audience in bigger ways. In her spare time, she is spending time with family & friends, watching the latest TV series with her spouse, or trying to master the game of golf - literally impossible.

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