Know Yourself, Grow Yourself: The Power of Self-Awareness for Long-Term Success Article Banner

Know Yourself, Grow Yourself: The Power of Self-Awareness for Long-Term Success

September 01, 20244 min read
Know Yourself, Grow Yourself: The Power of Self-Awareness for Long-Term Success Article Banner

I dropped my son off to school, took a sip of the hot tea I brought in a mug with me, and called my friend. Every morning is the same for us: at around 8:30AM, I call her or she calls me and every conversation starts the same, “Good morning friend! What are you planning to do today to make a million dollars tomorrow?”

This ritual has become our habit for the last several months. Each day, with an accountability partner to report to the next morning, we outline a list of tasks to bring us one step closer to our professional goals. It isn’t all about making money for us, but has become a process of growth, purpose, and most importantly, self-awareness.

What does self-awareness have to do with success?

Self-awareness is your ability to recognize and understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It involves being aware of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. When you know more about yourself, you make decisions that reflect your awareness, understand how others perceive you, and regulate yourself effectively. With greater self-awareness, you gift yourself the ability to navigate relationships and challenges more successfully because you operate from an informed place – a place that says, “I am doing this because this makes sense in my mind and heart.”

Take Mona for example: Mona owns her own graphic design business. When she started out, she was very passionate about her work but had a difficult time attracting clients. After several successful (and some unsuccessful) marketing campaigns, she began to receive multiple client inquiries each day. Mona stopped responding to prospective clients and her turnaround time for projects almost doubled. When she spoke to her business coach, she said, “I dreamed about having more business and being known and now I have it all at my fingertips, but I can’t perform.”

At the surface, it appears that Mona was unprofessional and uncommitted. Her clients may have grown frustrated or confused. However, at the root of the issue, Mona was experiencing anxiety and overwhelming thoughts about how she was going to do it all. When she became aware of the fact that she was overwhelmed and anxious, she took steps to manage her anxiety and her time, creating a more productive workflow and more comfortable internal experience.

Like Mona, if you really want to set yourself up for long-term success, you have a personal and professional responsibility to learn yourself well. When you become intimately familiar with who you are, how you operate, how you respond in the face of adversity, or how you celebrate in moments of success, you can create a life (or business, or relationship) that honors your strengths, supports your weaknesses, and ultimately, feels authentic to who you are at your core.

There are several practical strategies that women can use daily to increase their self-awareness and ultimately their success.

Well, let’s get to work, then!

Transform your self-talk:

Pay attention to your internal dialogue. Our thoughts impact our feelings and behaviors. If Mona thought, “I am never going to be successful,” then she would feel defeated or unmotivated, and not take the necessary steps to connect with prospective clients. Identifying negative or limiting thoughts can help you reframe them into more positive and constructive perspectives – “I’m not as successful as I want to be today, but if I keep working hard, I can be tomorrow.”

Embrace New Experiences:

Step out of your comfort zone by trying new activities or challenges. This helps you learn more about your reactions, preferences, and capabilities in different contexts. When you learn about your reactions and preferences, you can make choices that will optimize your personal and professional growth.

Practice Regular Reflection:

Set aside time each day to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and reactions. Journaling can be a useful tool for this. Ask yourself...

  • When I think about my day today, what experiences stand out to me?

  • What did I learn about myself through these experiences?

  • What emotions did I experience today, and what lead to them?

  • How did my thoughts, feelings, or actions today being me one step closer to my goals?

Identify Triggers:

Pay attention to situations that provoke strong emotional responses. Understanding these triggers can help you manage your reactions more effectively. Remember, our strong initial reactions often mask deeper-rooted feelings. For example, if you find yourself feeling angry or frustrated during meetings, it might be masking an underlying disappointment or pain of not being heard or valued. Identifying this can help you address the real issue and respond more constructively.

Seek Feedback & Mentorship:

Ask trusted friends, colleagues, coaches, and mentors for honest feedback about your behavior and performance. This can provide valuable insights into how others perceive you. Some helpful questions are...

  • When I think about my day today, what experiences stand out to me?

  • What did I learn about myself through these experiences?

  • What emotions did I experience today, and what lead to them?

  • How did my thoughts, feelings, or actions today being me one step closer to my goals?

By practicing and creating more self-awareness and implementing these strategies, you empower yourself to grow both personally and professionally. Remember, the journey to long-term success starts with knowing yourself deeply. Take the time to reflect, seek feedback, and continuously learn – your future self will thank you for it.

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Sana Vawda

Dr. Sana Vawda is a licensed therapist, counselor educator, speaker and human experience enthusiast.

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