Image: Believe in Yourself

Making the Leap From Employee to Entrepreneur: It Starts with You!

September 01, 20235 min read
Making the Leap From Employee to Entrepreneur: It Starts with You!

When looking at your career, have you ever thought, “I can do or be more?” I have. I was in between jobs, not sure what I was going to do, and I thought, “Is this it?” I was introduced to entrepreneurship by a good friend, and my life has forever been changed for the better. I learned that I have the power to “change my stars,” to quote from A Knight’s Tale. It’s true. So do you. I learned how to take what I have and put it to good use for the betterment of others on my own terms. I wanted to do it better, streamline processes, and fit my work into my life, not my life into my work. Can I get an amen?!

Make the first step toward greatness.

Nurses are trained to perform patient assessments, use critical thinking skills to intervene if a patient is crashing, or hold someone’s hand as they are dying. Nurses are not necessarily trained to look at balance sheets, review contracts, or manage employees. Fortunately, these skills can be learned with a little effort and a can-do attitude. You can invest in yourself.

Wait a minute!

You mean, I get to put myself first. Yes, you should. What I mean is ... investing in your future is the most unselfish thing you can do because, as you grow, you can help others do the same. So, let’s acknowledge the fact that what you want matters. This is a first step for many of us because we struggle with the notion that it is okay to want more. Let’s start there. Take it as a fact for now. I will give you permission if you need it.

The second step is to find out what makes you happy.

  • What parts of your job do you love, and what would you change?

  • How can you do it better?

I talked with a nurse who started an infusion business because she knew she could manage the scheduling better, make it so the nurses could self-schedule, and pay the bills at the end of the day. Her business is thriving, and I bet you can too.

I would start by researching an area of business interest and learning more about the business model, such as legal nurse consulting, IV hydration, or whatever interests you.

  • What appeals to you about the business?

  • Do you like patient interaction, or is your happy space doing the research behind the scenes?

The third step is to look for a mentor or business coach to help you clarify your goals, develop your business plan, and navigate logistics. Invest in your personal development by taking a business class or formal coaching program, reading books, attending lectures, listening to podcasts, or joining a mastermind. I would also suggest attending trade and networking events to meet others in your field and potential customers to conduct your market research.

I launched my business by reading everything I could about the industry related to consulting and coaching. I invested in a class through an online university to learn the basic skills necessary to function in my new career as a legal nurse consultant. Later, as my business began to grow, I worked with a branding coach to help me rebrand my business and focus on what makes it different from other businesses in my field. I routinely engage in personal development, and I have gathered a group of mentors through various connections and mastermind groups. Check who is in your inner circle. Check out the women in this publication. There is a wealth of resources here.

Lastly, it takes a change in mindset. I worked with a business owner who began to spend less and less time working on her business. Out of sight, out of mind, it was not surprising that this business failed due to neglect. You must be persistent and present. Show up. Remember, this is your business. You are the key to the success of your business. As a W-2 employee, when the time clock says it is time to clock out, you finish your work and go home. You don’t have to worry about whether or not the payroll was finished for the week, the trash was emptied, or if the new marketing campaign was successfully launched, unless that is your primary job. When you are an entrepreneur, you are responsible for making sure the team follows through, or if you are a team of one, you follow through. As you start up your business, you may miss family events or going out with friends initially as you dedicate time to your business in the beginning. I am not saying to neglect your life. You need to have one! Balance is key, but you may have to make tough choices. Beyonce tickets or pay the lease on my building. Say no to a girls’ night and go to this networking event, as I may meet potential clients.

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. You will have many ups and downs. That’s life, and that’s business. How you weather the storms comes down to your mindset. Joyce Meyer wrote in The Battlefield of the Mind, “Our actions are a direct result of our thoughts. If we have a negative mind, we will have a negative life. If, on the other hand, we renew our minds according to God’s Word, we will, as Romans 12:2 promises, prove out in our experience ‘the good and acceptable and perfect will of God’ for our lives” (p. 3). She goes on to say, “Positive minds produce positive lives. Negative minds produce negative lives. Positive thoughts are always full of faith and hope. Negative thoughts are always full of fear and doubt” (p.37). “Practice being positive in each situation that arises. Even if whatever is taking place in your life at the moment is not so good, expect God to bring good out of it, as He promised in His Word” (p. 38). You can have a successful business if you put your mind to it. Get started today on your entrepreneurial journey.

Image: Digital Business Card for Tina Baxter

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Tina M. Baxter

Tina M. Baxter is an advanced practice registered nurse and a board certified gerontological nurse practitioner through the American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC), who resides in Anderson, Indiana. Mrs. Baxter has been a registered nurse for over twenty years and a nurse practitioner for 16 years. She is the owner of Baxter Professional Services, LLC, a consulting firm which provides legal nurse consulting services for attorneys and insurance professionals and customized educational and operational resources to healthcare organizations. She is the founder of The Nurse Shark Academy where she coaches nurses to launch and scale their businesses. She is the host of The Nurse Shark Academy show which interviews and spotlights nurse business owners and leaders in healthcare.

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