Grief is Like a Private Club That No One Wants To Join Article Banner

Grief is Like a Private Club That No One Wants To Join

March 01, 20242 min read

At one stage or another, everybody has to join this club. It's not one that people enjoy at all, and everyone stays in the club for different lengths of time, depending on how they deal with the types of grief they encounter.

Grief takes on lots of genres. Grief is when you have a significant upheaval in your life, and your emotions are everywhere. Grief isn't just when you lose a person through death. It comes in many forms; people mainly understand grief when they lose a loved one or a close relative. Even an animal they've had for many years has become part of family life; however, grief can also be if you've lost your job or even left the career you've had for a long time. It can be when you fallout with a close friend or even when you move house.

Each individual copes with grief in their way. You can't mirror someone else's grief to your own; some people learn to live with it very quickly, and it alters their lives depending on what they're grieving; others can take many years. Grief is like a rollercoaster, so some days you feel on top of the world, and then within a couple of days or a day, you can feel very low again and very sad and confused.

The main thing to do is to take your time, deal with every situation, and not be rushed into thinking you should have stopped grieving. It might not be the right time for you at this present moment.

The one essential thing is that you get the support to learn how to cope with the grief and make the alterations within your lifestyle to live a whole and meaningful life. There will always be days when you remember your life before the grief, but you will get there with time and support.

Some practices that may help you before you are ready to seek outside help are ensuring you take time out and try meditation. YouTube has some excellent meditation channels. Journaling can also help.

Write down each day how you are feeling. Look for positives, not just negatives. Aim to end each day’s journaling positively; this will set you up for the day.

Finally, never feel guilty if you have a dip on your rollercoaster; eventually, you will be able to leave the club of which no one wants to be a member as you learn to live a new way and allow yourself to step off the rollercoaster and start living the new way.

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