Meet Teresa Wilkes: Style Maven, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Article Banner

Meet Teresa Wilkes: Style Maven, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist

March 01, 20247 min read

Teresa Wilkes Image

How did you get started in your career and what motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

My entrepreneurial journey began when I left corporate America in 2008, seeking greater freedom and fulfillment. Though I had no safety net, my faith and self-belief gave me the courage to take a leap into the unknown. I was determined to harness my lifelong passions for fashion, beauty, and style - talents that have always come naturally to me - to build my own success. After attending cosmetology school and working briefly as a hair stylist, I knew I was destined to channel my creative gifts into a business of my own. In 2009, I opened Paris J Boutique, named after my beloved daughter. My knack for discerning each woman's unique beauty and style, along with strong customer service skills, led the boutique to thrive.

Sixteen years later, I'm still motivated by the entrepreneurial lifestyle that allows me to control my time, income, and happiness. Being able to spend quality time with my children and grandchildren is a joy like no other. And having the freedom to travel at will never ceases to inspire me. My success has only been possible thanks to that fateful leap of faith back in 2008. By boldly walking away from the corporate path, I've discovered my true calling as an entrepreneur and businesswoman. Though the road of self-reliance has had its challenges, I will forever be grateful for this journey of personal growth.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced early on in your career and how did you overcome them?

When I first stepped into entrepreneurship, I often felt alone on the path, craving guidance from more seasoned business owners. As a young, Black boutique owner, I found it difficult to find mentors - my requests for advice went unanswered by those I reached out to. However, I refused to let those closed doors deter me from my dreams. I overcame that early challenge by diving fully into self-education, poring over books on entrepreneurship to soak up the hard-won lessons of others. I also began actively networking, attending workshops and events until I found my tribe - other innovators and forward-thinkers focused on constant evolution.

Even today, surrounding myself with those who share my growth mindset remains a priority but also a challenge. My innovative ideas sometimes have me too far ahead of the curve. Yet I've learned to find inspiration even in going solo, boldly exploring new directions while bringing others along when I can. After feeling isolated early on, I now make a point to lift up young entrepreneurs through mentorship. My goal is to prevent other dreamers from struggling in solitude on their ventures, instead offering them community and wisdom through open doors.

Can you share some of the key strategies that have helped you to achieve success in your business?

The principles that have guided me to success are simple, but profound.

  • Stay true to yourself: As an entrepreneur, understanding your unique talents and vision is essential. I've built my business around my lifelong passions - leveraging my innate style to help women look and feel their best.

  • Stay authentic: In the age of social media, it may be tempting to present an idealized version of yourself and your business. Yet being real, approachable and admitting imperfections forges genuine bonds with employees and customers alike.

  • Stay humble: No matter the level of achievement, arrogance and entitlement close doors. I try to receive all success and failure with grace and perspective, never forgetting where I started.

  • Ask for help: On this journey, I've benefited tremendously from mentors who freely shared advice to a fledgling boutique owner. I strive to pay that spirit forward through my own mentees.

  • Be open to learning: The retail landscape evolves swiftly. By embracing new technologies, store concepts and fashion brands, I inject fresh energy into my business.

But above all, character and integrity define an entrepreneur. How you treat people matters most. I live by Maya Angelou's creed: "People will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your work, particularly during challenging times?

For me, I always remember my why. Understanding your why gives you purpose, it's one of the most important thing to remember in your life, giving you reason to get out of bed and do what you do!

What advice would you give to female entrepreneurs who are just starting out on their journey to success?

To those just starting out on the exhilarating entrepreneurial journey, I offer this wisdom:

First, find your passion. The most enduring and fulfilling businesses are built by those who absolutely love what they do. Spend time in self-reflection, and align your company around what genuinely moves you.

Next, find a mentor. One of the most crucial things you can do as a new founder is connect with someone further along the path who can lend hard-won advice and support. Don't go it alone.

Also, prepare to make sacrifices. Becoming an entrepreneur requires intense dedication to your dream - which likely means giving up leisurely pursuits like nightly Netflix binges or weekend parties with friends for a time. Know that extra hours invested today enable the lifestyle freedom you ultimately seek.

Additionally, surround yourself with positivity - your "tribe" of supporters who will celebrate wins, learn from losses, and push you to grow. Every thriving company culture starts with good people.

Stay organized with planning tools to keep your business on track through the chaotic early days. And get finances in order from the start to build on a solid foundation.

Finally, remain flexible. Entrepreneurship rarely follows a straight line, so be ready to pivot. Keep examining the bigger picture and adjusting your course.

With passion, mentorship, personal sacrifice, supportive community, structure, capital, and adaptability, you are primed to turn your vision into reality.

How do you balance your professional and personal life, and what are some of the strategies you use to maintain this balance?

Early on, finding a healthy balance between my personal and professional life was challenging. However, I started reading self-help books and slowly implementing various time-management strategies. Becoming more mindful of how each hour passes, I learned just how precious and finite time is. Making intentional choices on priorities guided by what matters most allowed me to find greater harmony across my different roles over time. Though it remains an ongoing process, establishing boundaries and structure enables me to maintain balance in a sustainable way moving forward.

How important is networking and building relationships in your line of work, and what strategies do you use to connect with other professionals in your field?

Building relationships with the right people at the right time could be the key to taking your business to the next level. I'm always looking to be in the room with people who are smarter than me. Every year I make it a goal to attend at least two networking events, within my city or outside, with high achievers.

I like to challenge myself!

What is the most important piece of advice you would give to female entrepreneurs looking to achieve six-figure earnings in their business?

Always believe in yourself I mean always, anything is possible....step outside the box, never get comfortable.... Be sure you have genuine supportive people in your life.

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How do you spend most of your time?

Most of my time is spent with my children or grandchildren. I don't watch television. So, one of my favorite pass times is reading and I love learning new things.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I'm most proud of my tenacity and willingness to never give up on me. I've just always believed in myself no matter what was happening in my life and I knew it was temporary. I’m a very optimistic person and stray away from negativity.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

My greatest joy is my close-knit family, including my adult children - two sons, one daughter, and four beloved grandchildren. We share a special bond, almost like best friends, as I was a teen mom and we grew up together. Whether simply spending quality time or traveling to new places, we thoroughly enjoy making memories. My children, who understand and respect my role as their mother, have made me incredibly proud as they've come into their own.

To connect with Teresa, visit:

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Sharon Ringier

Sharon Ringier is an award-winning entrepreneur, business coach, and founder of the I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Collaborative, Inc. and The Possible Woman Magazine. With over 20 years of experience, Sharon has dedicated her career to empowering women and helping them reach their full potential. Her passion for mentoring and coaching female entrepreneurs led her to create the I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Conference in 2018, which has since evolved into a thriving community of like-minded businesswomen. Sharon's work has been recognized by several prestigious awards, including the 2020 Daily Herald Business Ledger Influential Women in Business, 2020 Top 90 Women in Business Blog & Websites for Women Entrepreneurs, and 2020 List of Influential African American Business Women You Should Know On LinkedIn. Through her coaching and collaboration, Sharon inspires women to gain clarity, create alignment in their businesses, and achieve their dreams.

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