Empowering Excellence: The Journey from Corporate Drop-out to Visionary Entrepreneur Article Banner

Empowering Excellence: The Journey from Corporate Drop-out to Visionary Entrepreneur

March 01, 202412 min read

My entrepreneurial journey began with a longing for something more than the confines of a corporate environment. Despite a successful career, I felt a creative spark within me that yearned for expression. It was this innate drive that led me to explore various business ventures, each one adding to my experience and clarity about my true calling.

In March 1997, I took a leap of faith and officially launched Sharon Ringier Events, specializing in wedding and event planning. This venture allowed me to merge my passion for creativity with business acumen, and I thrived in creating memorable experiences for my clients. As I immersed myself in this world, I also became involved in different organizations, seeking to sharpen my skills and learn from industry peers.

However, amidst the hustle of entrepreneurship, I encountered a gap—a lack of support and resources specifically tailored for women in business. This realization marked a turning point, igniting my determination to create a community where dynamic women like myself could find empowerment, guidance, and camaraderie.

My "aha" moment came in April 2018 when I founded I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Collaborative, Inc. This platform was born out of a deep desire to empower fellow female entrepreneurs, to remind them that they are possible, and capable of achieving greatness in both their personal and professional lives.

Through the collaborative efforts of I'm Possible, I have witnessed women gaining clarity, setting audacious goals, and achieving remarkable success. Our community is not just about business; it's about building legacies, supporting each other's journeys, and celebrating every milestone along the way.

In March 2023, the vision expanded further with the launch of Possible Woman Magazine, a platform dedicated to amplifying women's voices, sharing their visions, and providing visibility to their accomplishments. It's about creating a space where women's stories are celebrated, their expertise recognized, and their impact felt globally.

My journey as an entrepreneur has been intertwined with personal growth, resilience, and a commitment to empowering others. I believe in the power of collaboration, the strength of community, and the endless possibilities that come when women support each other. As I reflect on my path, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities to inspire, mentor, and uplift women in their pursuit of excellence.

My legacy is not just about what I have achieved but about the ripple effect—empowering women to believe in their dreams, to embrace their uniqueness, and to create legacies that transcend generations. It's about leaving a world where "possible" is not just a word but a mindset, a way of life embraced by women everywhere.

What inspired or motivated you to embark on your entrepreneurial journey?

The motivation to create a lasting legacy has been a driving force throughout my entrepreneurial journey. Despite spending much of my life in corporate settings, I never fully resonated with the conventional norms of corporate life. Deep within, I felt a calling for something more fulfilling, beyond merely fulfilling someone else's vision.

With the unwavering support of my husband, I took the leap into entrepreneurship, driven by the desire to explore and manifest my own dreams and aspirations. This venture into the unknown held the promise of discovering a path that truly aligned with my values and ambitions.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

Navigating through the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic was a pivotal moment for my business. With just two years into my entrepreneurial journey, my business model revolved around fostering a community for female entrepreneurs through in-person meetings and chapter expansions to enhance membership outreach.

The onset of COVID-19 disrupted our plans for physical gatherings, prompting a need to pivot and adapt swiftly. Despite the initial setback, the shift to virtual platforms like Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet presented an opportunity to think innovatively and connect with women on a broader scale. This pivot not only enabled us to maintain connections but also expanded our reach to women across various regions, ultimately transforming our business model for the better. As a result, we've successfully established connections with women throughout the US as well as internationally, enriching our community and fostering growth in unforeseen ways.

How do you celebrate achievements, both personal and professional, within your business journey?

Celebrating achievements, whether personal or professional, is integral to recognizing milestones and fostering a positive and motivated work environment within my business journey. I take time to reflect on my achievements and milestones, celebrating the progress made and the goals accomplished. This reflection helps me stay motivated and focused on continuous improvement. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate gratitude, such as expressing gratitude to members, clients, and partners who contributed to our achievements, which fosters a positive and appreciative culture within the business.

Overall, celebrating achievements is not just about acknowledging accomplishments but also about fostering a culture of positivity, motivation, and continuous growth within my business journey.

How do you approach learning from setbacks, and how has failure contributed to your growth as an entrepreneur in the B2B sphere?

I am inspired by Willie Jolley's quote, "A Setback is Nothing But a Setup for a Comeback," which encapsulates my approach to learning from setbacks. Viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth has been transformative for me. I've come to understand that mindset plays a crucial role in embracing failure and using it as a catalyst for growth.

Recognizing that success cannot be measured without understanding the dynamics of failure has been a monumental lesson. I live by the following principles:

  • Every storm is a school,

  • Every trial is a teacher,

  • Every experience is an education, and

  • Every difficulty is in development.

Embracing these principles has allowed me to turn my challenges into messages and my tests into testimonies, shaping my growth as an entrepreneur in the B2B sphere.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves in the B2B industry?

For aspiring female entrepreneurs entering the B2B industry, I have three key tips:

Define Your Niche: Start by understanding your niche and ensuring it aligns with your strengths, passions, and expertise. This clarity will shape your business strategy and set you apart in a competitive market.

Build a Strong Network: Networking is pivotal in entrepreneurship. Connect with industry peers, mentors, and potential clients to expand your network, gain valuable insights, and foster collaboration opportunities that drive growth.

Communicate Your Value Proposition: Clearly communicate how your products or services address B2B clients' needs and solve their challenges. Emphasize the benefits and outcomes they can expect, showcasing your unique value in the market.

By following these principles and strategies, aspiring female entrepreneurs can establish themselves successfully in the B2B industry, create meaningful impact, and achieve sustainable long-term success.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

I aspire to impact the trajectory of how women approach business in the B2B world, empowering them to create legacies for their families and communities. This vision, if realized, would be truly monumental and fulfilling.

If you could go back and give advice to yourself when starting, what would it be, and why?

If I could go back and give advice to myself when starting, it would be this:

Embrace the dreams placed in your heart by believing and receiving them wholeheartedly: I learned early on that by believing in your dreams and receiving them wholeheartedly, you set a positive and empowering mindset that propels you towards success.

It's natural to feel afraid but don't let fear hold you back. Fear is a common emotion when starting something new or pursuing ambitious goals. However, allowing fear to hold you back can hinder your progress. The advice encourages taking courageous steps despite fear, acknowledging that growth and success often come from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Always remember that you are enough, capable of achieving great things: Self-belief is essential in entrepreneurship. Reminding yourself that you are enough, with the skills, abilities, and determination to succeed, boosts confidence and resilience. This mindset helps navigate challenges and setbacks with a positive outlook.

Keep in mind that today's actions pave the way for tomorrow's opportunities. So stay obedient to your goals and aspirations. Consistency and dedication are key to long-term success. By staying committed to your goals and taking consistent action, you create opportunities and open doors for future growth and achievements. Obedience to your vision and goals ensures progress and moves you closer to realizing your dreams.

What motivates and inspires you to continue pushing boundaries and evolving within the B2B entrepreneurial landscape?

Strategic partnerships and networking efforts have been instrumental in my B2B journey, embodying the adage that "your network is your net worth." I approach building connections within my industry with a focus on service rather than sales. My goal is not merely to sell but to serve, fostering a sense of community and expanding my network exponentially.

By prioritizing service-oriented networking, I have cultivated meaningful relationships that go beyond transactions. These connections have brought immense value to my business allowing to opportunities, knowledge sharing, referrals and recommendations, collaborative projects, support and encouragement.

In essence, my approach to building connections within the industry is rooted in service, community-building, and mutual benefit. These relationships bring tangible value to my business by facilitating opportunities, knowledge sharing, referrals, collaborative projects, and ongoing support.

Have strategic partnerships or networking efforts played a role in your B2B journey? How do you approach building connections within your industry, and what value do these relationships bring to your business?

Strategic partnerships and networking efforts have been instrumental in my B2B journey, embodying the adage that "your network is your net worth." I approach building connections within my industry with a focus on service rather than sales. My goal is not merely to sell but to serve, fostering a sense of community and expanding my network exponentially.

By prioritizing service-oriented networking, I have cultivated meaningful relationships that go beyond transactions. These connections have brought immense value to my business in several ways:

  • Access to Opportunities: Building strong connections has opened doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships that would not have been possible otherwise. These opportunities have fueled business growth and expansion.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Networking allows for valuable knowledge sharing and insights from industry peers, experts, and mentors. This continuous learning contributes to staying updated with industry trends, best practices, and innovative strategies.

  • Referrals and Recommendations: Trusted connections often lead to referrals and recommendations within the industry. These referrals serve as endorsements, building credibility and trustworthiness for my business among potential clients and partners.

  • Collaborative Projects: Strategic partnerships forged through networking have resulted in collaborative projects that leverage complementary strengths and resources. Such collaborations enhance service offerings, create added value for clients, and broaden market reach.

  • Support and Encouragement: Networking within a supportive community provides encouragement, guidance, and a sense of belonging. These relationships offer emotional support during challenging times and celebrate successes together.

In essence, my approach to building connections within the industry is rooted in service, community-building, and mutual benefit. These relationships bring tangible value to my business by facilitating opportunities, knowledge sharing, referrals, collaborative projects, and ongoing support.

How do you spend most of your time?

When I'm not working on my business, I'm found somewhere with my husband living the snowbird life!

Sharon Ringier Family Collage

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

Reflecting on my journey, there's a poignant scene from Iron Man II that deeply resonated with me. In the movie, Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, speaks about his inventions as a legacy for his son, expressing how they represent his life's work and the key to the future. His words, "I built this for you. And some day you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation... is you," encapsulate the profound impact of a parent's love and vision for their child.

This heartfelt message touched me in a profound way, and it made me realize the significance of my own journey. Despite the challenges along the way, I am immensely proud of the incredible men in my life—my husband and my son. They embody strength, resilience, and unwavering support, and I feel incredibly blessed to have them by my side. Their presence and love have been instrumental in shaping who I am today and have inspired me to strive for greatness.

This reflection reminds me that our journey is not just about personal achievements but also about the relationships and connections that enrich our lives. I am proud to have walked this path alongside such remarkable individuals, and I look forward to continuing to make a positive impact, guided by their love and encouragement.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am grateful to say that this year marks the 28th anniversary of my 30th birthday, a milestone I embrace with humility and joy. Celebrating 39 years of marriage is a cherished blessing, and becoming a grandmother to the adorable Kaiyah has added a new dimension of love and happiness to my life. My two remarkable sons, Keith and Kevin, are sources of immense pride and joy. I’m also a sister to an amazing dude named Vinnie!

Our family also includes a fun-loving and pampered fur baby named Divo, who brings endless laughter and companionship. Previously, I shared my life with a playful ferret named Sebastian, adding more fun and joy to our home.

On a personal note, I am an avid admirer of Audrey Hepburn, drawn to her timeless elegance and grace. As a creative soul, I enjoy challenging conventional norms and pushing boundaries.

For leisure, I find joy in video calls with Kaiyah, even if the conversations lean a bit one-sided at times! Crocheting, reading, and indulging in classic movies are among my favorite pastimes. However, above all else, spending quality time with my family is what truly fills my heart. Their simple invitation for any activity is always met with an enthusiastic "YES!" from me, reflecting the deep bonds and cherished moments we share.

Photo Credit: BluePanther Studios

To connect with Sharon, visit:

Website: possiblewomanmagazine.com

Website: impossiblewec.com

Email: Sharon@ImPossibleWEC.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sharonringier/

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Sharon Ringier

Sharon Ringier is an award-winning entrepreneur, business coach, and founder of the I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Collaborative, Inc. and The Possible Woman Magazine. With over 20 years of experience, Sharon has dedicated her career to empowering women and helping them reach their full potential. Her passion for mentoring and coaching female entrepreneurs led her to create the I'm Possible Women's Empowerment Conference in 2018, which has since evolved into a thriving community of like-minded businesswomen. Sharon's work has been recognized by several prestigious awards, including the 2020 Daily Herald Business Ledger Influential Women in Business, 2020 Top 90 Women in Business Blog & Websites for Women Entrepreneurs, and 2020 List of Influential African American Business Women You Should Know On LinkedIn. Through her coaching and collaboration, Sharon inspires women to gain clarity, create alignment in their businesses, and achieve their dreams.

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