From Vision to Reality: Why Following Your Passion Makes a Difference in the World Article Banner

From Vision to Reality: Why Following Your Passion Makes a Difference in the World

March 01, 202412 min read

Back in 2010, I dipped my toes into the world of networking, not quite sure what to expect. What I found, however, left me feeling cold. Traditional networking felt too transactional, too focused on sales pitches rather than genuine connections. I realized that if I wouldn't do business with someone I didn't know, like, and trust, why would anyone do business with me? So, I set out to change the game. Taking the reins of the networking Meetup I attended, I introduced some "rules" that prioritized authentic relationships, mutual support, and resource-sharing.

Fast forward, and WESOS (Women Entrepreneurs Secrets of Success) Network breathed life into this vision with Networking with Intention™. Today, WESOS thrives as a vibrant community of women entrepreneurs dedicated to fostering genuine connections. We've crafted a unique one-on-one experience where you truly get to know the woman behind the business. Knowing, liking, and trusting one another forms the bedrock of our community. From there, mutual support blooms and the sharing of business-building resources. This isn't just any networking—it's about forging lasting, meaningful relationships with fellow women committed to elevating their businesses to new heights.

How did your initial vision align with the reality of running a business, and what were the early challenges you faced?

In the early stages of launching the WESOS Network, I was inspired by the realization that my vision wasn't just a personal aspiration; it was a collective dream shared by countless women who yearned for a supportive community. Yet, the transition from conceptualizing this 'great idea' to actualizing it was a roller coaster of lessons in the realities of entrepreneurship.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

Failure is indeed an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey, and one significant instance for me was when I decided to organize a retreat for all our leaders. Initially, the idea seemed promising – an opportunity for mutual learning and inspiration to fuel the growth of our thriving communities. However, the execution fell short of expectations.

Choosing the timing and location for the retreat proved to be a critical misstep. It became evident that the selected time clashed with the schedules and preferences of some leaders, diminishing the overall value of the experience. Despite our esteemed speaker imparting invaluable leadership skills to those who attended, the retreat ultimately failed to deliver the anticipated value to the community.

As the individual responsible for making this decision, I had to reckon with the repercussions of my mistake. It was a humbling reminder that, as the business owner, the buck stops with me. I realized the importance of heeding the counsel of trusted advisors and ensuring that their vision aligns closely with mine.

From this experience, I gleaned the invaluable lesson of listening attentively to the insights of those around me, selecting advisors judiciously, and maintaining alignment with our overarching goals. It underscored the significance of thorough planning and meticulous consideration of all factors involved in decision-making, ensuring that each initiative we undertake aligns seamlessly with our mission and values.

Have you faced any gender-related challenges in the B2B industry, and how have you navigated or overcome them?

Yes, as a women's group launching back in 2012, gender-related challenges were not at the forefront of my mind. However, as we delved into the dynamics of business, I began to recognize the distinct differences in how men and women approach entrepreneurship. Masculine energy often prioritizes transactional aspects of business, while feminine energy places greater emphasis on building authentic relationships.

For me, cultivating genuine connections and fostering trust before seeking referrals or sales felt more natural. While neither approach is inherently superior, embracing the feminine energy aligned more closely with my personal values and comfort zone.

As the years progressed and societal attitudes evolved, so did our community ethos. In 2024, we wholeheartedly embrace the power of feminine energy, extending a warm welcome to individuals who identify with the pronouns she/her. This inclusive stance reflects our commitment to evolving alongside the shifting gender landscape. Just as the world has undergone significant changes over the past 12 years, we remain adaptable and poised to emerge as the most inclusive networking community, not just in the US but potentially worldwide.

What would you consider the most significant milestone or achievement in your entrepreneurial journey in the B2B sector, and why does it hold particular significance for you?

In reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey within the B2B sector, one milestone stands out as particularly significant: reclaiming the role of President in my business over the past year. This decision marked a profound realization for me – that my vision and passion for WESOS are deeply intertwined with my personal commitment and leadership.

As I stepped back into this pivotal role, I came to understand that no one knows my business like I do, and the nurturing love it requires to truly thrive. Embracing the diversity of leadership styles among our chapter leaders, I learned to trust in their unique abilities and decisions. Each leader brings their own flair and perspective, united by a shared love for their community.

Over the past year, we’ve made significant strides in selecting leaders who align closely with our values and empowering them to make decisions that best serve their communities. This achievement holds particular significance because it embodies the essence of what WESOS has been urging me to do since I stepped down in 2022. I take immense pride in the dedication and passion of our leaders, knowing that they play an integral role in nurturing our thriving communities.

How do you measure success beyond financial gains, and what impact do you aspire to create through your entrepreneurial endeavors?

Success, to me, goes beyond financial gains; it's about forging a legacy that extends far beyond monetary wealth. Foremost, I strive to leave behind a lasting imprint for my husband, whose unwavering support has been my rock through every ebb and flow in building this remarkable community of women supporting women over the past 12 years. But beyond my immediate family, my deepest aspiration is to leave a legacy for my five extraordinary granddaughters. I want them to inherit a legacy of belief – belief in their own capabilities, dreams, and limitless potential.

At the heart of my entrepreneurial pursuits lies a mission: to unite one million women across our nation. I envision a vast network of women bound together by a shared conviction – the belief that our collective success is not hindered by competition, but rather fueled by collaboration. I often share a poignant analogy during our WESOS gatherings, inspired by Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In': the metaphor of crabs in a bucket. Alone, a crab can easily climb out, yet when surrounded by others, they inadvertently impede each other's escape. It's time for us, as women, to devise a strategy not just to break free from the confines of the bucket, but to ascend to new heights with unparalleled unity and determination.

For me, success is gauged by the impact I make in empowering women to believe in themselves, support one another unconditionally, and pursue their aspirations with unwavering resolve. It's about fostering a world where women champion each other, where collaboration triumphs over competition, and where every woman feels emboldened to chase her dreams without hesitation. That, to me, is the legacy I strive to build through my entrepreneurial journey.

If you could go back and give advice to yourself when starting, what would it be, and why?

If I could turn back the clock and offer advice to my past self when embarking on this entrepreneurial journey, it would be this: Trust your instincts. Don't let fear or doubt cloud your judgment, and never underestimate the power of speaking your truth. Not everyone with a charming smile has your best interests at heart – behind some smiles may lurk deceit.

Remember, having a good idea is just the beginning of a long and winding road. Your vision will lead you down paths you never imagined, and it's crucial to remain adaptable and open to new possibilities.

Additionally, be deliberate in choosing your inner circle. Surround yourself with individuals who not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. Collaborate with those who have a genuine commitment and investment in your shared goals, and don't hesitate to distance yourself from those who lack sincerity or fail to contribute meaningfully.

It's also essential to recognize that if someone is talking to you about others, rest assured they are talking about you to others. Gossip and judgment are the killers of communities everywhere.

Ultimately, trust in yourself, stay true to your values, and be discerning in selecting your allies. The journey ahead may be challenging, but with courage, conviction, and a trusted inner circle, you'll navigate the twists and turns with grace and resilience.

How did you position your B2B business in a competitive market, and what strategies did you employ to differentiate yourself from competitors?

In a competitive market, we positioned our B2B business by extensively researching other networking communities. Our aim was to ensure that our offerings surpassed those of competitors while remaining accessible to all entrepreneurs, especially those just starting out. Recognizing the financial constraints many entrepreneurs face, we prioritized affordability without compromising on the quality of our benefits.

At the heart of our strategy is our commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment. Our WESOS Leaders play a crucial role in this by ensuring that every woman who walks into our chapter meetings feels embraced and valued from the moment they arrive. We believe in creating a sense of community where every member feels seen, heard, and supported.

Moreover, we go beyond merely facilitating networking opportunities. Our focus is on empowering our members to develop essential entrepreneurial skills, such as public speaking and meeting sponsorship, that are instrumental in business growth. We believe that by nurturing both professional relationships and skills, our members can confidently pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations while experiencing personal and professional growth.

In essence, our differentiation strategy revolves around providing exceptional value, fostering a welcoming community, and empowering our members with the tools they need to succeed in both business and personal endeavors.

How do you spend most of your time?

Most of my days are spent immersed in the vibrant world of WESOS, where I have the pleasure of collaborating with an incredible team. From our indispensable VP Dawn Huddleston to our dedicated leaders spanning across the US, every moment is filled with brainstorming strategies to nurture our community and enhance member benefits. But let me tell you, our members are the true heroes here; their energy and passion are what make our community truly special!

When I'm not with my WESOS family, you'll find me cherishing moments with my own brood – four wonderful children, their amazing spouses, and my five adorable granddaughters. Just recently, we celebrated my 40th wedding anniversary with my high school sweetheart. We're nestled near the majestic mountains of Colorado, where we relish in staying active through hiking and skiing whenever we get the chance. Family is the heartbeat of my life, and it's one of the reasons I champion women entrepreneurship so passionately. I firmly believe that women shouldn't have to compromise between pursuing a career and nurturing their families.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

When I reflect on my journey, what fills me with the greatest sense of pride is the unwavering tenacity I've shown throughout my tenure leading WESOS. Over the years, I've had the privilege of nurturing countless enriching relationships within the community. The idea of women supporting women, of being part of a tribe that refuses to let anyone falter, is something that resonates deeply with each member of our community.

Yet, in the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship, I've encountered moments where the support I expected wasn't always reciprocated. It's been a learning curve to navigate those instances where others may not share the same ethos of lifting each other up. But through these experiences, I've unearthed a reservoir of strength within myself. I've come to understand that not everyone operates on the same wavelength, and that's okay.

Moreover, I take immense pride in the resilience of our culture and spirit, which has remained steadfast despite the inevitable ups and downs—pandemic included. That's the essence of entrepreneurship, isn't it? It's about learning from every challenge, growing stronger, and relentlessly pushing forward. And that's precisely what we've done.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

My family holds a special place in my heart; they're truly the bedrock of my life. I'm blessed with four children who bring immeasurable joy and laughter into my world. Each spouse they've brought into our tribe is remarkable in their own unique way, enriching our family tapestry with their individual strengths and personalities. And then there are my five granddaughters – intelligent, spirited, and utterly beautiful souls, who I aspire to be a guiding light of strength and resilience for.

It all started with an incredible man whom I've had the privilege of calling my partner since I was just 14 years old. Together, we've embarked on a journey filled with love, laughter, and countless cherished memories.

We're a family that thrives on staying active and engaged with each other. Passing down traditions is a cornerstone of our bond; I take delight in imparting the same skills and values to my granddaughters as I did with my children. Whether it's teaching them the art of sewing, engaging in spirited card games (we're currently hooked on Gin Rummy), or mastering backgammon together – it's all about fostering moments of connection and shared experiences that will be treasured for generations to come.

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Jean Lavallie

After 25 years as a stay-at-home mom, I embarked on a journey to reenter the workforce and contribute to society. Despite encountering obstacles in the hiring process due to outdated perceptions, I remained determined, adaptable, and eager to learn. Networking proved daunting at first, but discovering "Women Entrepreneurs' Secrets of Success" (WESOS) transformed my experience. Surrounded by supportive women who shared my journey, I gained confidence and eventually became the group's organizer. WESOS fosters a collaborative approach to networking, transcending traditional sector-based divisions. Together, we empower women entrepreneurs to thrive through mutual support, emphasizing the value of collaboration in achieving success.

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