Image of Jen Loving

Mother of 4 made 25 Million in Sales and Legally Changed her Last Name to Loving

March 01, 20249 min read

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Embarking on a 25-year entrepreneurial journey has been my greatest adventure yet. The freedom it offers aligns perfectly with my core values: God, Family, Freedom, Personal Development, and Generosity. But my path to entrepreneurship was anything but conventional.

Motherhood, for me, began with unexpected twists and turns. Adopting my first daughter, Madison Joy, came as a surprise - a sudden call from the church secretary led me into the beautiful chaos of parenthood. Juggling a full-time business while longing to stay at home with Madison, I swiftly sold my practice, only to discover I was expecting twins shortly after. Financial strains soon followed, prompting the necessity to create a home-based business. It was a leap of faith that led me to a company offering uncapped income potential, igniting my passion for entrepreneurship.

From there, my journey blossomed into multiple successful ventures, driven by my determination to provide abundantly for my children. But life threw its curveballs - the loss of my father, mother, and best friend to cancer plunged me into a deep well of grief. It was a period marked by immense pain and emptiness, compounded by the responsibilities of motherhood and business ownership.

Yet, amidst the darkness, I found light in the practice of gratitude. Focusing on the blessings amidst the struggles became my guiding principle, carrying me through divorce, my own battle with breast cancer, and the challenges of raising four children.

Despite the hurdles, my entrepreneurial spirit remained undeterred. I channeled my experiences into creating a nonprofit, spreading comfort and joy to children fighting cancer across 14 states and three countries. It's a testament to the resilience fostered by gratitude and the unwavering belief that even in life's darkest moments, there's always a glimmer of hope.

Through it all, I've learned the power of resilience, gratitude, and the unwavering belief that even in life's darkest moments, there's always a glimmer of hope. My journey isn't just about success in business; it's about overcoming adversity with grace, and inspiring others to do the same.

How did your initial vision align with the reality of running a business, and what were the early challenges you faced?

It was much harder to build a business from home with 4 kids 3 and under than I ever imagined. Some of the early challenges were finding time to spend working. 4 babies require a ton of time and attention and they all rarely napped at the same time. I was exhausted almost all the time. There were a lot of tears in that season of my life that's for sure!

Can you share a specific obstacle or setback you encountered early on and how you overcame it?

Early on, one significant obstacle I faced was the never-ending challenge of laundry. With toddlers in the house, it became a relentless chore. I'd fold clothes and neatly put them away, only for my little ones to gleefully scatter them across their rooms as part of their play. It was beyond frustrating.

In an attempt to manage the chaos, I started leaving folded clothes on the stairs in a laundry basket, keeping a watchful eye to prevent further mischief. But soon, I realized this makeshift solution wasn't sustainable. Feeling overwhelmed, I resorted to piling clothes in the living room, hoping to tackle them gradually. However, this strategy backfired, leaving me standing before a towering stack of tiny garments, feeling defeated and in tears.

Fortunately, a neighbor noticed my predicament and offered a simple yet ingenious solution. She introduced me to a laundry system that transformed my approach to this mundane task for over a decade. With just four clean clothes bins and four dirty clothes bins set up in my compact laundry room, I regained control of my time. This system drastically reduced the hours I spent on laundry, freeing up precious time to focus on my work and business endeavors.

Embracing this unconventional solution was a pivotal decision that significantly impacted my life. It enabled me to reclaim over 3650 hours of productive time over the course of a decade, empowering me to devote myself wholeheartedly to my entrepreneurial pursuits and financial stability.

Can you share an example of how you responded to customer feedback or needs, leading to improved products or services in your business?

Amidst the challenges posed by COVID-19, we pivoted our approach to better meet customer needs. Unable to hold live events, we launched our virtual Signature Talk Hot Seat Coaching sessions. These sessions, held on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, offer members the opportunity to present a 20-minute signature talk and receive feedback from two speaker coaches and a live audience. One coach focuses on content while the other focuses on delivery. This initiative has provided tremendous value to participants on the hot seat and to those who benefit from observing the coaching process.

How do you approach learning from setbacks, and how has failure contributed to your growth as an entrepreneur in the B2B sphere?

In the early stages of my entrepreneurial journey, facing what seemed like daily setbacks while balancing the demands of parenting and business ownership was a defining experience. Through this, I came to understand that failure is an inherent part of the path to success. It was through immersion in personal development literature, programs, and seminars that I grasped this fundamental truth. Each setback became an opportunity for growth, shaping my resilience and determination as an entrepreneur in the B2B sphere.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Prioritizing self-care has been a journey spanning over two decades for me. It was breast cancer that served as a wake-up call, compelling me to take my well-being seriously. Now, I've integrated a three-hour self-care routine into my mornings. Rising at 7 a.m., I begin with a soothing cup of herbal tea followed by meditation and journaling, incorporating my gratitude practice. A refreshing walk while listening to an audiobook or podcast, along with some strength training, invigorates both my body and mind. I ensure to nourish myself with a healthy breakfast, take my supplements, and conclude with a revitalizing shower. This ritual has become my sanctuary, providing me with the resilience and vitality needed to navigate the demands of entrepreneurship.

What would you consider the most significant milestone or achievement in your entrepreneurial journey in the B2B sector, and why does it hold particular significance for you?

One of the most significant milestones in my entrepreneurial journey within the B2B sector is reaching a revenue milestone of over $25 million and having the privilege of guiding numerous other entrepreneurs to similar heights of success. This achievement resonates deeply with me because I hold a strong belief in the transformative power of financial independence. Beyond personal gain, it's about empowering individuals to make choices that positively impact their lives and the lives of others. By demonstrating how financial success can be a catalyst for change and generosity, this milestone reinforces my commitment to fostering a culture of abundance and support within the entrepreneurial community.

How do you measure success beyond financial gains, and what impact do you aspire to create through your entrepreneurial endeavors?

Beyond financial gains, I measure success by the tangible financial results I bring to my clients. Being a part of their journey toward achieving their dreams is truly an honor for me. I aspire to inspire the younger generation to pursue their passions, do meaningful work, and enjoy the freedom of choice in their lives.

How do you approach financial management and resource allocation to ensure sustainable growth in your entrepreneurial journey?

Mastering financial management is crucial for making sound resource allocation decisions and fostering sustainable business growth.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves in the B2B industry?

For aspiring female entrepreneurs venturing into the B2B industry, my advice is straightforward: follow a structured blueprint for success. Too often, entrepreneurs navigate their journey through trial and error, unaware that there exists a proven roadmap for building a thriving business. By embracing this approach, you can save significant time and resources, avoiding costly mistakes along the way.

Take, for instance, the experience of many struggling entrepreneurs who find themselves focusing on advanced steps without laying the foundational groundwork. Imagine trying to complete step 35 of a blueprint when steps 3, 7, 15, and 23 remain untouched. Recognizing and following each step in the process is crucial for sustained success. By educating yourself on the sequential nature of entrepreneurship and utilizing a proven blueprint, you can build a solid foundation for your business and maximize your potential for long-term success.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Reflecting on my journey, I would encourage other female entrepreneurs in the B2B landscape to prioritize personal development. Invest in yourself by reading extensively, attending workshops, and seminars. The more you grow personally, the faster your business will flourish. Two books that profoundly influenced my entrepreneurial approach are "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. They laid the foundation for my business journey and continue to inspire me to this day.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

In assessing calculated risks, particularly financial investments, I prioritize understanding the potential return on investment (ROI). I carefully consider what it will take to achieve a favorable outcome. Additionally, I consciously filter decisions through my core values, ensuring alignment with my principles. This approach has proven highly effective in mitigating potential challenges and guiding successful decision-making in my B2B ventures.

How do you spend most of your time?

I spend most of my time speaking, networking, building relationships, traveling and connecting with those I love.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

Reflecting on my journey, what fills me with the greatest pride is the accomplishment of building five separate businesses to six figures in less than 12 months, each thriving in different industries. This achievement symbolizes not only my entrepreneurial drive and adaptability but also the sheer determination and dedication I poured into each endeavor. It's a testament to my ability to navigate diverse markets, identify opportunities, and execute strategies effectively. More than just financial success, it represents the culmination of hard work, perseverance, and the willingness to embrace challenges head-on.

Image of Jen Loving with her family

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I'm blessed with four amazing children: Madison, my eldest at 22, who's happily married to Riley; Luke, who's 21 and currently pursuing his studies at Calvin University; Lindsey, also 21, who's carving her path as an esthetician; and my youngest, who's 18 and currently working at a spa. Alongside them, I have a 14-year-old Yorkie who's my adorable fur baby.

As for our leisure activities, I thrive on traveling and seeking out the world's best spas. It's my way of unwinding and indulging in some well-deserved self-care.

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.

~ Mark Twain

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Jen Loving

Jen Loving is CEO of Engaging Speakers, a successful business coach, a best-selling author with seven books, and a philanthropist. Jen built her first 5 businesses to 6 figures each, all in under a year and all in different industries. She has now helped over a thousand entrepreneurs build their businesses with many reaching 6-figure and 7-figure revenue. She has been featured on, ABC News, and the Chicago Tribune; however, Jen is most proud of founding her international non-profit “Handing Hope” which brings comfort and smiles to children battling cancer.

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