Image of Laura Navaquin

Redefining Success: How One Woman Left the Corporate World to Pursue Passion and Purpose

March 01, 202412 min read
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I am a visionary leader, dynamic speaker, and seasoned entrepreneur who has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With nearly two decades of experience in Corporate America, my journey is a testament to resilience, courage, and a relentless pursuit of personal and professional fulfillment.

After successfully navigating the intricacies of the corporate world for almost 20 years, I found myself at a crossroads. Fueled by a desire for more autonomy and a flexible lifestyle to nurture my growing family, I made the bold decision to step away and chart my own course in the world of entrepreneurship.

In tandem with my supportive husband Joseph, I embarked on a multifaceted entrepreneurial journey. Together, we not only cultivated a thriving real estate portfolio but I also laid the foundations for a successful business and a 501(c)(3) organization, Inspire Her Foundation. Together, Joseph and I harnessed the power of our complementary abilities, creating a dynamic partnership that not only fueled our entrepreneurial endeavors but also exemplified the transformative impact of working harmoniously towards a common goal.

My rich tapestry of experiences has transformed me into a passionate advocate for empowering others. Drawing from the lessons learned in corporate boardrooms and the trenches of entrepreneurship, I have become a guiding light for those seeking the confidence and self-assurance to build the life and business they desire.

What sets me apart is my unique blend of corporate wisdom, entrepreneurial spirit, and the challenges and triumphs of building a family-centric business. My authenticity resonates with audiences, captivating them and leaving them not only motivated but also equipped with the mindset to conquer their own challenges.

What inspired or motivated you to embark on your entrepreneurial journey?

To provide clarification, our real estate portfolio had a gradual start in 2015, and the Inspire Her Foundation was officially formed in 2020, launching in 2021. Both endeavors were pursued passionately on the side while I maintained full-time employment. The turning point came in 2022 when I anticipated the arrival of my second child, leading to a profound awakening.

Having dedicated years to achieving sales performance goals and steering teams to surpass KPIs, contributing significantly to the company's growth, the reality struck when I learned that I would not be granted paid maternity leave or protected time away after the birth of my daughter. This revelation felt like a disheartening blow, particularly considering the substantial time and energy I had invested in advancing my employers.

A few months later, a light bulb moment illuminated my path, and I realized the significance of allocating my time and energy towards the growth of my personal endeavors rather than contributing to someone else's dream. The decision to leave traditional employment was undoubtedly daunting, filled with uncertainties and "what if" scenarios. However, bolstered by the unwavering support of my husband and a steadfast belief in my capabilities, I summoned the courage to take the leap into the unknown.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as an entrepreneur has been a catalyst for personal growth and development, primarily through the constant need to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new challenges. This entrepreneurial path has reignited my passion for public speaking, an endeavor I cherish, despite the initial jitters that accompany each new opportunity. The journey has solidified my belief in my own capabilities; while I had the confidence coming into this journey full time, the consistency of showing up and witnessing tangible growth and success reinforces my personal reality that I can do "hard things". It's a reminder that the numbers and achievements don't lie. I find moments to appreciate this personal growth, attributing wins to the resilience and dedication that I bring to the entrepreneurial journey, a sentiment encapsulated by a personal mantra – "This win is for Chad," a story that holds significance for another time.

Can you share a specific obstacle or setback you encountered early on and how you overcame it?

Early on, a significant obstacle in our real estate journey was the challenge of funding. We initially placed all properties under our personal names and personally financed purchases and renovations. This approach, however, quickly depleted our funds and substantially increased our debt-to-income ratio. To address this, we sought the guidance of experts in the field and learned to transition all assets to LLCs, providing a more sustainable structure for our investments.

We prioritized protecting ourselves through proper setup, including trusts, holding companies, and LLCs. This not only safeguarded our personal assets but also created a more efficient and secure framework for our real estate ventures. Additionally, we pivoted from traditional investment methods, such as flipping or holding rental properties, to leveraging other people's money through private money lenders and hard money loans.

By restructuring our approach, we not only protected our financial well-being but also positioned ourselves for scalability. Once we were properly established with the right structures and diversified our investment strategies, we were able to navigate the funding challenges and scale our real estate portfolio to a much larger level. This experience taught us the importance of adaptability and seeking expert advice to overcome obstacles in the entrepreneurial journey.

Have you faced any gender-related challenges in the B2B industry, and how have you navigated or overcome them?

Starting my career in the insurance industry, a predominantly male-dominated field, presented its own set of challenges. I often found myself outnumbered at the table, experiencing instances where I was the last to be called upon for input, given opportunities with large accounts, or promoted at a slower pace compared to my male counterparts. In response, I tirelessly worked to distinguish myself by consistently surpassing KPIs and sales quotas, volunteering for additional projects to showcase my workload capability. Over the years, my efforts paid off, and I gradually worked my way up the corporate ladder.

The gender dynamics became even more apparent when I was expecting my first child. I often faced inquiries about how I would balance work and motherhood. Years later and having moved to a new company, the news of my 2nd pregnancy was met with jokes about its inconvenient timing, which, personally, I didn't take to heart. However, the turning point came when I learned that I wouldn't be allocated maternity leave. Despite this setback, I chose to take unpaid leave, during which I was regularly called upon to join meetings and assist with client implementations. This experience marked a profound awakening, prompting me to reassess my priorities and eventually led to the decision to pivot away from the corporate structure in pursuit of a more flexible and fulfilling path.

How do you celebrate achievements, both personal and professional, within your business journey?

Personally, I acknowledge milestones by taking a moment to reflect on the journey and express gratitude for the progress made. Professionally, I celebrate team achievements with recognition, whether through team meetings, or shout-outs. Additionally, I find joy in sharing achievements with my family, turning these moments into opportunities for quality time and creating lasting memories together.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves in the B2B industry?

My advice is simple: just go out there and do it! Avoid overthinking, as you don't know what you don't know, and dwelling on details can either prolong or jeopardize ever going after your dream. Put yourself out there, connect with like-minded individuals, and be mindful of the mindset of the company you keep. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. When you fall short of a goal, take the opportunity to reassess, learn, and approach it better the next time. Disregard the naysayers; you are fully capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. The key is to go out there and make it happen.

How do you measure success beyond financial gains, and what impact do you aspire to create through your entrepreneurial endeavors?

Measuring success extends far beyond financial achievements. For me, success is gauged by the impact I've had on someone else's life. It's about reflecting on how I contributed to their pursuit or attainment of dreams. Was I an encouraging friend? Did I push them beyond their comfort zone to foster growth? Did I influence confidence and instill the belief that "it can be done"? Success, in my eyes, is intricately tied to the positive impact I make on others— knowing that I played a role in someone else's journey and helped them reach their aspirations.

Can you share an example of how you responded to customer feedback or needs, leading to improved products or services in your business?

Actively listening to feedback and being responsive can lead to significant improvements and business success. After the launch of my first course, I made it a priority to gather feedback from participants and consider how I could incorporate it to enhance the course offering. This iterative process of refinement proved invaluable. By addressing the specific needs and preferences expressed by the participants, I not only improved the overall quality of the course, but also created a more engaging and tailored learning experience. The adjustments made based on the feedback resulted in a remarkable outcome – a notable 42% increase in enrollment and sales in just the second month after implementing the changes.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

Understanding the current landscape helps me anticipate potential challenges and opportunities. Financial analysis is integral to risk assessment. I evaluate the potential returns and weigh them against the financial investment required. This involves creating realistic financial projections and contingency plans for different scenarios. Having a clear understanding of the financial implications helps me make informed decisions and mitigate potential financial risks. While it's impossible to eliminate all risks, a proactive and strategic approach to risk assessment and mitigation enhances the chances of success.

How do you stay updated on industry trends, and how have these trends influenced your business decisions or strategies in the B2B space?

Remaining updated on market trends, interest rates, currency values, and other factors is essential in guiding our real estate business decisions and investment strategies. We achieve this by consistently conducting thorough market research, attending networking events and conferences, and staying engaged with industry professionals. Reading industry publications, reports, and online resources provides valuable insights into market dynamics and emerging trends. Continuous learning through education and professional development ensures that we stay ahead of industry changes. Seeking advice from experts and monitoring economic indicators further enhances our understanding of the real estate landscape. These efforts collectively influence our decisions, prompting us to explore new markets, invest in emerging technologies, or make strategic adjustments based on positive or negative trends.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

While I wouldn't label myself as an avid runner, I find solace in running as a means to clear my mind, gather my thoughts, brainstorm new ideas, and mentally organize my tasks—it's an energizing practice for me. Additionally, dancing has always been a source of joy, so spontaneously breaking into dance not only relaxes the moment but also brings laughter and delight. Furthermore, having the flexibility and time to spend with my family is a constant source of energy and ultimately serves as my driving force for success.

How do you spend most of your time?

The majority of my days are spent in my home office, where I develop training programs, craft speeches, evaluate potential properties, analyze project financial’s to determine investment viability, and engage in pitching and securing funding for, Inspire Her Foundation. Additionally, I organize mentorship events, and I regularly meet with students to provide coaching and support to help them in achieving their personal goals. On alternate days, I find myself on the move, traveling to meet with clients, inspecting potential investment properties, overseeing rehabilitation projects, or addressing captivating audiences. The fluidity of each day and the ever-rotating schedule bring a dynamic energy that I genuinely cherish.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

Reflecting on my journey, there have been numerous moments to be proud of - from financial achievements to helping others believe in and achieve their dreams. However, the aspect I'm most proud of is being able to demonstrate to my children that their mama can achieve anything I set my mind to, as can they. It's the consistent message that by continuously stepping out of my comfort zone, doing what "seems" hard and showing up, I've proven that one can overcome challenges and achieve remarkable things. This realization is not just a personal triumph but a powerful lesson for my children, emphasizing the limitless possibilities that come with resilience, determination, and the courage to pursue one's dreams.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

My family is at the heart of everything I do, and I'm fortunate to share my life with my best friend, my husband, whom I've been friends with for over 20 years. We've been together for over 13 years and nearing our fourth wedding anniversary. Our family is growing, with two little ones already keeping us on our toes and a third on the way. For fun, we cherish our time at the beach, where we can relax, enjoy the sun, and create lasting memories as a family. Exploring new foods is another passion of ours; we love trying different cuisines and discovering unique flavors together. Game nights have become a cherished tradition for us, providing moments of laughter, friendly competition, and quality time spent bonding. Overall, our family values are creating a balance between enjoying the simple pleasures in life, building strong connections, and embracing new experiences.

"Let them think you're crazy. Once you do it, they will be asking you how you did it."

~ Author Unknown ~

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Laura Navaquin

Laura Navaquin, a former corporate professional of nearly 20 years, transitioned to real estate investment alongside her husband, Joseph. As the founder of the Inspire Her Foundation, she dedicates herself to empowering youth through education, skill workshops, and mentorships, inspiring them to pursue their dreams. A sought-after speaker, Laura passionately promotes confidence-building and encourages individuals to fearlessly chase their aspirations, regardless of size or distance.

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