2024 Fall Issue

Authentic Through Every Phase: A Philanthropic Queen for Kids & Pits Article Banner

Authentic Through Every Phase: A Philanthropic Queen for Kids & Pits

June 01, 20249 min read

Embarking on my journey into the depths of faith and humanity, I encountered a remarkable soul, Randi Moxi. Our paths intertwined in the sanctity of a shared Bible study, where her radiant spirit and unwavering devotion to her faith were immediately apparent. Little did I know, beneath her humble exterior lay a woman of profound depth, a God-fearing individual with a heart of gold, especially evident in her love for her pit bulls and children.

As our connection deepened, I found myself drawn to Randi's inspiring story and the values that guide her life. Her willingness to share her experiences and insights is a testament to her genuine desire to uplift others. I am thrilled to present this feature article, offering an intimate glimpse into the life and wisdom of my dear friend, Randi Moxi.

Can you share with us your journey into the world of pageantry, starting from your childhood experiences with your grandmother to becoming the Executive Director of Illinois International Pageants?

I have served, competed and empowered in the sport of pageantry since the age of 3. My grandmother was a local fairs and festivals director, and the speech I heard her give every summer to girls of all ages shaped the trajectory of my life. She instilled power and confidence and validity of our dreams coming true.

Through speaking in, coaching, judging, competing in, emceeing and winning many city, county and state titles in West Virginia, I obtained life skills that I use to this day in my networking and business endeavors. Upon moving to Illinois in 2004, I continued empowering girls and women through pageantry mostly through the America and county Fairs and Festivals systems as a volunteer, judge and keynote speaker. I was recruited and crowned Mrs. Illinois in 2014 and placed Top 15 in the world representing my platform, Save Our Children, at the Mrs. International Pageant . Later, I played an integral role in elevating Illinois to Top 5 placements across all age divisions and securing 4 International Pageants titles for Illinois during my five-year tenure as Director (2017-2022).

I left the world of pageantry behind in 2022 to start my next entrepreneurial endeavor, becoming an independent author and a motivational and enrichment assembly school speaker. When I’m asked to speak about bullying, I love to shine a light on my pageantry experience growing up and how it taught me the tools I used to survive being bullied in school during that era and beyond. It truly helped me to survive and thrive being treated wrong or unfairly through any season in my life thereafter.

The highlight of of my career transition so far was hearing the principal at a private school say that he looked at the world of pageantry differently after meeting me and hearing my presentation, openly admitting to his entire student body that he had wrongfully judged the sport.

How has your background in Theater and Communications influenced your career in marketing, branding, and event production?

Significantly. My theater education laid the groundwork for every event I’ve ever produced. My communications training made me an effective brand strategist. I’m blessed with the lessons and blessings from being an entrepreneur, coach and Director dedicated to making others dreams come true for a decade. I’m now able to bring that into my next phase of living my true passion and purpose to brand that initiative.

As someone deeply passionate about animal advocacy, could you tell us more about your upcoming business, Kingdom Wellness, and its mission to bridge the gap between animals and humans?

Every creature should be treated as a unique individual. I learned much in the animal training education I received as a young girl. Love and communication is the key to any relationship being successful. I grew up in an animal shelter in West Virginia that was run by my grandmother, Sally. In a time and space where women are held back, she ran a pageant and the local humane society and animal shelter. I have seen firsthand the atrocities that befall animals that are at our mercy. I am an avid ambassador for animal rescue, spaying and neutering pets, banning breed specific legislation and ending puppy mills. I was exposed to all dog breeds throughout my childhood but did not fully understand the plight of the most bullied dogs in the world, pit bull type breeds, until moving to Chicago. Physically unable to have children, I’ve become a universal mother to Pitties in need and have a mission to bring important lessons to children using rescued pit bull type rescue dogs in my books. This is my way to try to show the most bullied and misunderstood breed of all time in a positive light, planting the seeds for great mental health practices for our youth.

My first book, A Pittie Pool Party, launched in May of 2023. This beautiful story stars a rescued pit bull type dog and the girl that saved her brings wonderful lessons and blessings to families and classrooms. It’s great for all ages and the perfect gift for those who want to share the power of friendship, nonjudgement, acceptance and dog and animal rescue. A Pittie Pool Party encourages the gift of sharing emotions with friends and family, laying a healthy groundwork for communication and accepting vulnerability. It also establishes an understanding of how judging any person or creature before knowing them as an individual can cause harm to them and us. This book embodies the incredible power of friendship, inclusivity, acceptance and rescuing animals.

Teaching important lessons through my books, enrichment programming, speaking and school assemblies is my way to give back to children and animals.

In my second book, Lucy’s Garden, we join Lucy, the most beloved rescued pit bull type dog in her community as she travels to see her friends and neighbors every day.

Lucy feels it’s her assignment to be a bright light for everyone through her love, positivity and sharing the power of gratitude. Kids get to explore the importance of daily exercise, getting outside, a respect for nature, cohabitation, community, friendship and recycling in this wonderful story.

A portion of all speaking engagements and book sales benefit animal rescue.

Kingdom Wellness has started in children’s books that plant the seeds for good mental health practices using the most bullied breed of dog as the lead characters. It’s my hope that I’m blessed with more opportunities to bring the gift of stories that bless children into our schools.

You've overcome significant health challenges and defied medical prognoses. How has this journey shaped your perspective on life, motivation, and resilience, especially in your role as a motivational speaker?

Everyone loves an electrified survivor. I’m on fire for not letting people believe anything bad spoken over their health and life. If I had fallen prey to every diagnosis, I wouldn’t be here. The word of God is above any other word spoken over you. I ignite others to take back their power and always find light in every darkness. We all have a very powerful purpose and there is much darkness and distraction. I share my testimony to shift mindset to “onward in power” no matter what occurs on the surface. It’s in the depths we find ourselves and the power to climb out and fight!

Could you share some insights into how you balance your professional endeavors with your personal life and passion for rescuing pitbulls.

  • Balance lies in the following daily practices

  • Early to bed, early to rise

  • Move every day

  • Hydration

  • Whole Food Nutrition

  • Pray/meditate as soon as you wake

  • Shift negative thoughts to positive - immediately

  • Time block effectively

  • Always make time for self, others and your passion beyond work life

  • Make love a priority

  • Do not stay offended. Ever. Let it go.

  • Trim whatever weeds are holding you back so you can bloom

If this aligns, everything falls into a beautiful, peaceful rhythm.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs, considering your experience in owning and managing your own brand, strategy, and marketing firm for over a decade?

If it’s on your heart, there is a reason. It’s yours. Act. One step at a time toward your dream and you’ve already succeeded.

What are some key lessons you've learned throughout your career that have contributed to your success, both in the pageant industry and as an entrepreneur?

If you are always learning and loving through life, what is meant for you finds you, and what is not leaves you. Learn early not to chase the latter. The hardest challenges are the ones most worth tackling and when you are on your own as an entrepreneur, it won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it. You can do hard things. It’s why the hunger is inside. Go for it.

Can you tell us about any upcoming projects or initiatives you're excited about, whether it's related to pageantry, animal advocacy, or your entrepreneurial ventures?

I’m almost finished with some Pittie Positivity Coloring Books to benefit animal rescue. I’ll also be finishing the book about my health journey that will come with a mindset journal this year. In 2025, I’ll be launching children’s book The Pittie for Elders, starring my big rescue pittie, King, and Shelter Girl for younger children based on my days growing up in an animal shelter.

How do you foster creativity and innovation and what are some of the ways you harness new ideas?

Vision Boards, journaling, earthing, praying and daydreaming. When I’m overwhelmed, I do something mindless to ignite the return of the mind. Rest is power.

How do you see the role of women evolving in entrepreneurship and leadership, and what changes would you like to see in the industry moving forward?

No one would be here without the power of a woman. I want to see more women in every industry leading to pave the way for future generations. The more women thrive, the more the world around them benefits.

Finally, what message would you like to share with the readers of Possible Woman Magazine, especially women who are navigating their own paths in business and personal growth?

Dreams don’t have an expiration date but no day is promised. Act now. If it’s yours, no one can take it from you. I see great things coming from women. If you are one of them, it’s time to step up!

How do you spend most of your time?

Blessing kids and dogs through the gift of story and hanging out with my dogs and husband.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

That I stepped back from a busy and successful life to heal and shift gears. This ended in a whole new entrepreneurial adventure and I’ve never been happier.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I’m the mother of many rescued pit bull type dogs and the wife of the most amazing man who supports me in everything and anything I dream of doing.

To connect with Randi, visit:






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Sharon Ringier, Editor in Chief of the Possible Woman Magazine Fall 2023

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