2024 Fall Issue

Image of Rina Shah

Cultivating Success Through Cultural Harmony, the Power of Dance, and Finding Love

March 02, 202414 min read
Banner image for Cultivating Success Through Cultural Harmony, the Power of Dance, and Finding Love

On my 5th birthday, I stepped into my first Indian dance class, and from that day forward, dance became an integral part of my life. From then until now, the dance studio has become home to me. Through my years in the studio, my role has changed from student to assistant, to instructor, to choreographer, to advisor, and to director. In 2011, I embarked on a journey and called it AUM Dance Creations, which would over 13 years become the largest Bollywood dance school on the East Coast! With just about 1000 students enrolled in weekly classes throughout New Jersey in the 2023 - 2024 dance year, I am honored to bring Indian art and culture to the lives of so many children ages 4 through adults.

Rina with American Doll

Making a career out of a passion is never an easy step but it is most definitely a rewarding one. When I was in elementary school, middle school, and high school in New Jersey, Indian dance was a part of my home life. A part of my life that I didn't really share with anyone at school or outside of the Indian community. There was no space for it. People did not understand Indian culture, didn't understand Indian clothes, didn't appreciate Indian art. It was almost a secret life I lived. To take a step back and see where we have come in a place of cultural identity and inclusiveness in the United States is truly uplifting. Are we where we need to be all around? No, definitely not, but we have moved in the right direction. My students are able to perform their Indian classical and Bollywood dances at venues throughout the country and internationally with audience members in awe of the technique, the grace, the costumes, and most of all the culture. AUM dancers have performed at venues such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden, Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and many other prestigious venues domestically and internationally. In addition, I have had students perform on Good Morning America, Fox 5, as well as NJ 12. It's been such an honor to present today's generation with these amazing opportunities that they can share with everyone. In order to achieve this success, I taught dance class from September through June for 7 days a week for 10 years! I was always in class teaching and growing the business and the brand. All along I had other teachers that also worked for the school, but I was constantly present whether it be teaching, managing, growing, expanding, or problem-solving.

As you can imagine with me spending my mid to late 20s and all through my 30's working on my career, it didn't leave much time for me to be social or better yet, meet my special someone. During the pandemic when I was teaching all my classes virtually from home, I found that I had more time to work on myself. I studied for my fitness certification and started virtual Bollywood fitness classes that had enrollment of 300 participants monthly. In addition, I decided to actively try to meet people through various dating apps. With a lot of trial and error, I finally met my now-husband in March 2021 through a dating app. Although I'm happy that we met, I didn't like the dating app experience at all. Keeping that in mind, more recently, in the last 6 months, I've set out to create a dating app of my own that will allow users to meet others in a more effective and fun manner rather than the typical swipe right/swipe left followed by the waiting game.

I feel as though my greatest asset is creating relationships and bonds with people. Whether it be a 4-year-old child, a 40-year-old parent, or a 90-year-old grandparent, I manage to have something to talk about. I feel as though communication is key to any and all success and am certain that my success is attributed to my ability to listen to others, process effectively, and most importantly communicate.

What inspired or motivated you to embark on your entrepreneurial journey?

I grew up in an entrepreneurial family. My parents emigrated from India in 1975, and although my dad was an accountant by trade, he stopped working as an accountant and soon began a journey of opening his own convenience stores. He and my mom worked from early mornings to late nights at the store, and soon, one store became two, then three, four, five, and so on, and the journey continued. From convenience stores to real estate to liquor stores, and much more, entrepreneurship is just a part of me and my family. It's what I grew up around and what I heard about day in and day out. They say you become your surroundings, and I believe that.

Can you share a specific obstacle or setback you encountered early on and how you overcame it?

Early on, I encountered a competitor dance school that seemed to be on my tail every step of the way. I had previously been a teacher at that school and took a two-year hiatus in accordance with my contract before opening my own dance school. This competitor attempted to interfere with my growth in every way possible, from trying to rent the same space as me at the same time to having people stand outside my classes handing out flyers for their own classes. They tried to hassle me in many ways. However, I remained true to my cause and my passion for teaching children and Indian dance, and continued onwards without letting them bring me down. I maintained the mindset that there is always a way and always a solution. I tackled one problem at a time and kept moving forward, sometimes with smaller steps than I would have liked, but forward nonetheless. Believing in karma, I never considered seeking revenge. I didn't waste any energy or time on that.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I faced a significant challenge. I had to transition my students, ages 4 and up, to learning dance via Zoom. Many dance schools closed down, others took a break, and some continued onwards using Zoom. Despite the obstacles, I managed to retain most of my students through the pandemic and devised fun and engaging methods for them to learn through a screen. Additionally, I organized a virtual recital to showcase the year of dance for their families and friends. It was undoubtedly a difficult time that required quick decisions and constant creativity, but ultimately, it turned out to be successful.

If you could go back and give advice to yourself when starting, what would it be, and why?

The one thing I would tell myself is that you cannot change anyone. I started off thinking that with the right training, I could create the best employees, teachers, and choreographers, but I have learned that I cannot change anyone. Regardless of what I teach or say, each individual has their own ways of doing things.

How did your initial vision align with the reality of running a business, and what were the early challenges you faced?

Running your own business is something that is indescribable. You never know what you're going to get, things don't always work the way you expected them to, and the challenges are ongoing. Unless you try it, you won't know if you'll be able to do it.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

I make it a point to spend time exercising regularly in the morning. It's a great way to keep my head clear and start the day off right. Once that morning workout is done, I can handle anything that comes my way. I am still working on improving my sleeping habits to ensure proper sleep every night, but it's a work in progress.

How do you celebrate achievements, both personal and professional, within your business journey?

I am a firm believer that all achievements, big and small, should be celebrated. I share my achievements with my friends, family, and those who are always cheering me on. Sometimes I celebrate by doing something nice for myself, and other times I celebrate with a family dinner or by opening a bottle of champagne with my husband.

Can you share an example of how you responded to customer feedback or needs, leading to improved products or services in your business?

Every year, we send out a questionnaire to our students and parents, and we take their opinions and suggestions very seriously. I have learned to keep a very open mind regarding these matters and am always looking to implement changes that will improve the school.

What strategies or approaches did you implement to ensure successful scaling while maintaining the core values and culture of your business?

I did it slowly. I did not rush the scaling process and made sure that the core values and fundamentals were in alignment before adding new locations or classes to the schedules.

Can you share an example of a fruitful collaboration or partnership that contributed to the growth or success of your business?

I have partnered with charities in the past during our danceathon events. It was a great way for the dancers to give back to the community and also provided a new outlet for our studio name to gain promotion. The charities would post about us on their social media and newsletters. In the end, all of this helps the growth of the business.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to establish themselves in the B2B industry?

My biggest advice is to follow your dreams and pave the way. If you have an idea, product, vision, etc., then do it! Don't wait for the right day, right moment, right mood, and so on. It will never be perfect, but you just have to start the journey. Once you start, stay focused and continue to move forward. You won't go from 0 to 100, and it won't be easy, but with hard work, dedication, focus, and ambition, you will get there.

How do you measure success beyond financial gains, and what impact do you aspire to create through your entrepreneurial endeavors?

For me, success isn't solely about financial gains; it's about leaving an everlasting impression on a child. It's about being a role model, setting the right example, and being a positive influence in the lives of my students. My dance studio is home to so many students, and all I ever want is to give them the best experiences and my best at all times.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

In terms of the dance studio, the only real innovation and technology would be the upgrading of phones and audio equipment to ensure better quality soundtracks and videos of rehearsals and performances.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

There was a time when I allowed a lead instructor/choreographer to teach a competitive team dance on her own. I appreciated the idea and concept she had in mind, but as rehearsals progressed, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a competitive piece. Despite my reservations, I didn't intervene and let her continue, only to find out that my concerns were valid. The dancers performed at a competition and didn't perform well. Parents were unhappy, dancers were unhappy, and it was an unpleasant experience overall. The mistake here was that I didn't address the issue sooner or take action to rectify it. In the world of dance and art, every choreographer seeks creative freedom, and I didn't want to take that away from her. However, in the end, it didn't work out, and I was left to deal with unhappy clients. Since then, I have learned to intervene sooner, act faster, and handle such situations more efficiently with other instructors and choreographers. I've realized that this dance school is mine, and every performance reflects my studio's name. If I am not satisfied with it, then I need to step in and make the necessary changes.

What motivates and inspires you to continue pushing boundaries and evolving within the B2B entrepreneurial landscape?

I am my biggest motivation and inspiration. I am always looking to do better, bigger, and newer, which allows me to continue to keep things new, exciting, and innovative. My desire to do more for the world is a part of me that I hope will never change.

How do you stay updated on industry trends, and how have these trends influenced your business decisions or strategies in the B2B space?

I am a part of various social media forums related to dance studios and entrepreneurship and use experiences and insights of others to help myself and the growth of the business.

Can you describe a time when effective team management contributed to overcoming a significant challenge or achieving a milestone?

I had the opportunity to take dancers to Paris. They would perform in Paris Disneyland and also have the chance to take a professional ballet class in the city, in addition to sightseeing. In total, we had almost 100 dancers and their family members on this trip. I created detailed plans for my teachers and staff who came on this trip to ensure its success. Each team member had specific duties for the duration of the trip and was responsible for a group of dancers under their supervision. It was an extremely stressful situation being in a foreign country with so many students, but with effective team management, it was an enjoyable trip for everyone and the very first time I took my dancers internationally.

How do you spend most of your time?

I spend most of my time working on my businesses and ventures. When I'm not working, I'm with my amazing family and friends, engrossed in great conversation. More recently, I have been traveling a lot more and experiencing cultures and traditions of different parts of the world, and I have been loving the experiences. Friends and family are truly at the core of my being, and I am forever grateful for the help, support, and roles they play in my life. I can very confidently say that I have achieved these successes because of those that surround me.

Images of Rina's Family

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I am most proud of my ability to adapt, pivot, and persevere. As a businesswoman and entrepreneur, from day one, you are faced with challenges, issues, and hurdles. No matter what has come my way, I have found a way to figure it out, navigate it, or move past it. These hurdles have not hindered me in any way and have always been used as a vehicle to grow stronger, better, and evolve. When working with children, handling the emotions of parents and those of kids is always difficult and requires a lot of love and care. Yet, you also have to be firm and confident in your stance. It's a tough act to juggle, but I have always made it work and figured it out. I think that my ability to handle any and all situations efficiently and effectively is what I am most proud of and also what has been such a valuable quality in my success.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

My family used to consist of me, my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephew, and my niece. We all lived together in our family home and spent a lot of time together. In July 2023, I married my husband, and he has now become the core of my family, immersing himself into our family of eight.

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Rina Shah

Rina Shah, hailing from Northern New Jersey, is the founder and director of AUM Dance Creations, the largest Bollywood dance school in New Jersey, boasting nearly 1000 students across 25 state-wide locations. Her dancers have graced renowned stages including Madison Square Garden, Barclays Center, and Carnegie Hall, as well as featured on prominent shows like Good Morning America and Fox 5 NY. Currently enrolled in a female founders accelerator, Rina is pioneering a groundbreaking dating app startup after her own experiences with conventional apps. Recently married in July 2023, she is dedicated to revolutionizing the dating landscape with a fresh perspective on love and companionship. https://aumdancecreations.com/

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Sharon Ringier, Editor in Chief of the Possible Woman Magazine Fall 2023

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