2024 Fall Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

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2024 Summer Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

Back to Blog

2024 Spring Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

Back to Blog

2023 Winter Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

Back to Blog

2023 Fall Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

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2023 Summer Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

Back to Blog

2023 Spring Issue

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

Why LinkedIn Company Pages Are Essential for Your Business in 2023

March 01, 20234 min read

LinkedIn is making Company Pages a priority in 2023, and you should too! Their recent updates have been nothing short of fantastic, and there are no signs of them slowing down.

Did you know that LinkedIn Company Pages have the power to catapult your brand to the first page of Google search results? That's right! They are worth your time investment.

To ensure your page earns its place in the spotlight, make sure it's set up correctly and filled with high-quality content Your LinkedIn Company Page is a window into your brand, an opportunity to showcase your unique value proposition to the world So don't let this valuable tool go to waste!

Build a community, not an audience. Turn your target audience into evangelists by cultivating a community on your LinkedIn Company Page for women who not only need your expertise to grow their businesses but are also happy to tell their connections about your business Engage with them using compelling copy and post eye-catching visuals to showcase what makes your business unique and keep them coming back to your page

More importantly, use your LinkedIn Company Page as a business tool to attract and build alliances and marketing partnerships Access to new business opportunities and marketplace expansion is at your fingertips, just a click away, tucked away in your Company Page followers list

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

  • Use the background banner to brand your company Company Pages now have Lead Gen pages embedded in them Use yours to promote your top product or service

  • Company Pages can have newsletters Set up one that summarizes your monthly page content and spotlights some of your followers

  • Post a message weekly asking your followers to ring the bell on your Company Page so they can receive updates in your feed.

Use the bells and whistles LinkedIn Company Pages have incorporated.

LinkedIn Company Pages can now follow other pages!

Take a 3-prong approach to utilize how your LinkedIn Company Pages follow other Company Pages to your business advantage:

  • Follow your clients' pages: Keep your finger on the pulse of your client's businesses by following their LinkedIn Company Pages. This will give you valuable insights into their activities, challenges, and priorities, allowing you to stay one step ahead of their needs Plus, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.

  • Follow your competition: Gather business intelligence about your competitors. To stay competitive, it's important to keep a close eye on your rivals Following their LinkedIn Company Pages will help you keep up to speed on their businesses, including their latest offerings, marketing campaigns, and industry insights. This information can be invaluable in helping you stay ahead of the curve and identify areas where your business can improve.

  • Follow complementary businesses: LinkedIn Company Pages can be an excellent resource for identifying potential collaborators who cater to your target audience By following the pages of businesses that share your values and complement your products and services, you can gain a better understanding of their work and identify opportunities for partnership. Who knows? A simple follow on LinkedIn could lead to a fruitful collaboration in the future!

Do you have access to the new update on your LinkedIn Company Page?

  • Go to your LinkedIn Company Page admin.

  • You will see buttons that say Page posts, Following, Hashtags, Employee posts, and Ads

  • Click on the one that says Following. It will say, "Your Page can now follow other Pages Following and engaging with other organizations is a great way to grow your Page’s visibility Find Pages to follow "

If you don't see the button that says Following, it means LinkedIn hasn't rolled the update out for your Company Page yet

Get strategic in how you use your LinkedIn Company Page.

Now that you know the importance of having a LinkedIn Company Page in 2023, incorporate the strategies below into your LinkedIn activities.

  • Make a list of products and services your target audience needs to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Invite your female LinkedIn followers and connections who offer those services to collaborate on content

  • Create Event Pages from your LinkedIn Company Page so you can gather valuable contact information from attendees using the built-in registration form.

  • Use the Networking section of the LinkedIn Event Page to engage with attendees after the event is over Host LinkedIn Live events on your Company Page to repurpose content and drive visitors to previous events

LinkedIn Company Pages can have millions of followers. Don’t let one of your most valuable pieces of online real estate fall through the cracks Give yours an update today.

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Sharon Ringier, Editor in Chief of the Possible Woman Magazine Fall 2023

Barbie's Cinematic Debut: A cultural Phenomenon Amplifying Empowerment and Inclusion

by Sharon Ringier

Empowered Ink

Gift Guide: The Joy of Giving