2024 Fall Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2024 Summer Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2024 Spring Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2023 Winter Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2023 Fall Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2023 Summer Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

To connect with Sally, visit:







blog author image

Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

Back to Blog

2023 Spring Issue

Image of Sally Wurr

Transforming Chaos into Clarity: Sally's Path to Personal Empowerment

March 01, 20249 min read
Banner image for Transforming Chaos Into Clarity article

Growing up in a military family shaped me in ways I never anticipated. With my father's Air Force career leading us to crisscross the United States, I learned early on the art of adaptability. One vivid memory stands out: starting first grade in Idaho, only to be uprooted to Texas mid-year due to my father's transfer.

Despite bureaucratic hurdles preventing me from completing that grade, the experience of restarting in Kansas imbued me with a sense of leadership, being one of the older students in every classroom—a catalyst for my future endeavors.

My entrepreneurial spirit began its journey amidst the backdrop of constant relocation. Over two decades, I honed my skills as a hairstylist and makeup artist, weathering six career rebuilds across three states alongside my husband, whose work with an insurance company offered me invaluable insights into the world of business. Recognizing the potential in brokering insurance, I transitioned, specializing in crafting benefits portfolios for top-tier executives—a testament to my ability to thrive amidst change.

In 2019, fueled by a desire to empower others, I penned my first book, "Succeed With Purpose." Drawing from my experiences, I aimed to provide practical guidance for individuals striving to turn their dreams into reality, a passion born from my interactions with countless individuals yearning for direction.

Life took an unforeseen turn in March 2020, as the world grappled with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A routine walk turned into a medical emergency when my husband was diagnosed with over 20 brain tumors. Four months and one week later, I found myself navigating the lonely path of widowhood.

Amidst grief's dark shadow, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced transformation. Today, in early 2024, I stand as an International best-selling author, speaker, and life design coach—an embodiment of resilience and reinvention. For me, adversity became a springboard, propelling me toward new horizons—a testament to the enduring truth that where one door closes, another inevitably opens.

What specific obstacles or setbacks did you encounter early on as an entrepreneur, and how did you adapt your strategies to overcome them, including any unexpected hurdles faced during the establishment of your presence in the industry?

In the early stages of establishing my hairstyling and make-up businesses, one significant obstacle I faced was the challenge of relocating. Each move required me to undergo the process of obtaining a new license in the new state and then finding a salon that could provide sufficient walk-in traffic to help me grow my clientele. This necessitated perseverance, resilience, patience, and a stronger belief in my abilities to overcome whatever hurdles came my way.

As a mother and entrepreneur simultaneously, I encountered the unexpected hurdle of balancing family responsibilities with professional obligations. Juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, particularly with my office located within my husband's workspace, posed logistical challenges. Daily trips back and forth between home and office disrupted my workflow and organizational efforts, leading to a pivotal moment of realization when I left a crucial file behind, symbolizing the tipping point.

In response, I made the strategic decision to consolidate my operations and transitioned to working primarily from my home office. By streamlining my workspace and eliminating unnecessary commutes, I optimized efficiency and productivity. This shift marked a transformative moment, enabling me to better manage both personal and professional responsibilities seamlessly. Over the course of 25 years, this decision has proven invaluable, underscoring the importance of adaptability and innovation in navigating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurship often involves pivoting. Can you discuss a moment when you had to pivot or adapt your business model to overcome adversity or market changes?

When I entered the insurance industry, the internet wasn't as integral as it is today, resulting in most of our operations being conducted in person and on paper. In early 2007 - 2008 I collaborated with a company that was bringing the Individual Medical insurance enrollments to an online platform. What a game changer! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in business. I was an early adopter to technology, which is a big reason I am still in the industry. Today, 90% of what we do is done via online. For those brokers who did not engage in the online systems they were forced to retire because they were unwilling to learn something new.

How has your journey as a B2B entrepreneur contributed to your personal growth or development, and what key lessons have you learned along the way?

My journey as a B2B entrepreneur has deeply influenced my personal growth. I've learned to be discerning in whom I trust, realizing not everyone has good intentions. Keeping a small circle of trusted associates has become crucial. Balancing empathy with caution has been key to navigating the complexities of business and life.

How do you maintain resilience in the face of challenges, and what strategies do you employ to stay adaptable in a competitive B2B landscape?

I remind myself that we're all imperfect human beings. When faced with seemingly impossible situations, I allow myself some grace. Most problems have solutions; it's a matter of whether we're willing to seek them out. Sometimes, it's best to hold your tongue or walk away rather than engaging in unnecessary conflict. Winning every argument isn't necessary, and not everyone needs to be a friend or likeable to you, nor vice versa.

With my experience as an entrepreneur, I've learned to recognize who aligns well with my companies. If someone isn't a good fit, I graciously refer them elsewhere. Similarly, I don't entertain those who indulge in the "blame game"; I prefer constructive problem-solving. We all err, and it's essential to rectify mistakes to the best of our abilities. However, constant reminders of our faults aren't productive. Fortunately, I choose to do business with those I genuinely want to work with, while others can find better matches elsewhere.

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Can you share an instance where you experienced failure or made a critical mistake, and what valuable lessons did you learn from it?

First, I do not believe anything is a failure. It is a learning experience. Let's just say I have endured many "learning experiences" to get where I am today. Not one in particular comes to mind. But I would not be as successful as I am today without those experiences.

As an entrepreneur, balancing work and personal life can be demanding. How do you maintain this balance, and what strategies or habits have helped you in this aspect?

I know where my boundaries are and I stop before I go past them. If I am sitting at my desk and I find my mind wandering, I shut everything down and walk away. Nothing I do from that point on will be worth the time spent on it.

Looking ahead, what legacy do you hope to leave through your business and your journey as an entrepreneur in the B2B world?

Identify a respected individual who has achieved your desired goals and request them to be your mentor. Commit to giving your utmost effort, as failing to do so might upset them. Many of us serve as mentors, and it's disheartening when someone seeks our guidance but fails to follow through or disregards our advice.

What self-care practices or routines do you prioritize to ensure your well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship?

Spa time, travel to get away, reading, going out to eat. Knowing my own limits and allowing myself to walk away and take days or hours off whenever I need to.

Reflecting on your journey, what message or insight would you share with other female entrepreneurs striving to make their mark in the B2B landscape?

Do not ever give up on yourself or your dream. No one will be handing it to you on a silver platter...you must go out and build it yourself.

As your business expanded, how did you build and lead teams within your B2B organization, and what leadership principles do you prioritize?

I believe in clearly communicating my expectations to others, assisting them in identifying their strengths, and empowering them to take charge. I prefer not to micromanage unless circumstances require it, such as when commitments aren't fulfilled promptly.

How do you prioritize and maintain a customer-centric approach in your B2B business, and how has this focus contributed to your success or growth?

Ensure that I promise conservatively and deliver exceptionally, consistently exceeding their expectations.

In an ever-evolving market, how do you incorporate innovation and technology within your B2B business model, and what role do these play in your growth strategy?

I prioritize ongoing learning and development. Recognizing the limitations of time, I'm proactive in hiring individuals for both short and long-term projects. Regular check-ins ensure they stay aligned with goals, and I'm swift to make necessary adjustments, including letting go of those who aren't meeting expectations.

Entrepreneurship often involves taking calculated risks. How do you assess risks, and what decision-making processes do you follow to mitigate potential challenges within your B2B ventures?

At this stage, I rely heavily on my gut instincts to assess risks. If a potential venture doesn't align with my goals, I consider the risk too significant. I've learned not to put my trust solely in other people's promises.

Image of Sally Wurr's Favorite Quote

How do you spend most of your time?

I remain at the helm of SW Insurance Corp as its President, overseeing our insurance brokerage operations. In 2024, I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses and in-person retreats, inspired by my book "Power of Awakening." Additionally, I continue to share insights from my book on stages across the country and offer personalized Life Design Coaching sessions. My ideal settings are the serene warmth of a beach year-round and the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado's Rocky Mountains during summer and fall.

As you reflect on your journey, what are you most proud of and why?

I consistently strive to "walk on sunshine," embodying a state of happiness and contentment despite facing dark moments that could have overwhelmed me. Moreover, I am immensely grateful for my beautiful daughter, who radiates warmth and kindness. I take pride in my ability to confront and resolve challenges head-on, willingly stepping out of my comfort zone when needed.

Tell us a little about your family and what you do for fun?

I am currently a widow. I like to read and write and spend time on my deck or on a warm beach or pool. I spend at least one week in the early fall in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I enjoy spending time with friends and traveling. I still run two companies, so my life is never dull nor boring.

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Sally Wurr

Sally Wurr is a dynamic International Speaker, celebrated Multi-book Best Selling Author, and empowering Life Design Coach. As the visionary Founder and President of SW Insurance Corp in Colorado, U.S.A., she embodies resilience and insight, earning her the moniker “Storm Whisperer” for her ability to guide individuals and corporations through life's challenges. With a passion for entrepreneurship, Sally excels in mentoring others to craft lives they truly desire. Through her engaging talks on topics like “Preparing for Life’s Storms” and “Designing Your Life On Purpose, she inspires audiences to embrace change and navigate life’s unexpected twists with purpose and grace. swinsurancecorp.com sallywurr.com/

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